Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 07/50 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 16. 02. 2014 6. NEDELJA MED LETOM 6th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb ŽUPNIK - PASTOR Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail Web page Hall rentals 905-518-6159 Čudna pota božje previdnosti Danes nam Jezus govori o novih, višjih, popolnejših pogledih na nekatera življenjska vprašanja. V prvem berilu iz Sirahove knjige slišimo: »Če hočeš, moreš spolnjevati zapovedi, ... ohraniti zvestbo je stvar tvoje svobodne volje.« Zanimivo je, da že 180 let pred Kristusom sveto pismo zatrjuje, da človek odgovarja za svoja dejanja, ker se zanje več ali manj svobodno odloča. Danes radi govorimo, kaj vse vpliva na človeka, ko stori kaj slabega. Ni dvoma da vpliva, vendar - razen v resni bolezni - človekove svobode le-ta ne uničuje. Zako, da se odlomek zaključi z besedami: »Nikomur ni ukazal, naj bo brezbožen, nikomur ni dovolil grešiti.« V drugem berilu slišimo apostola Pavla, ki pravi, da ne oznanja »modrosti tega sveta, marveč božjo modrost«. Človek, ki je sam sebi prepuščen ne more, v večini primerov, odkriti polne resnice in dobrote in mora tudi v tem biti po Kristusu odrešen. Zato zaključi odlomek z besedami preroka Izaija: »Česar oko ni videlo in uho ni slišalo in kar v človekovo srce ni prišlo ..., je Bog pripravil tistim, ki ga ljubijo.« Jezus v govoru poudari, da je božja beseda vedno ista, je pa naš odnos do nje vedno drugačen. In nadaljuje z mislijo, da ne gre samo zato, da so naša dejanja lahko slaba. Slabe ali zle so lahko tudi naše misli, ki pa lahko privedejo do slabih dejanj. A četudi do dejanj v resnici ne bi prišlo, so take misli zle in zato škodljive, razdirajo. Odtod odločen Jezusov zaključek, da naj ne hodimo pred Boga, če nismo prej razčistili, očistili, svojih odnosov do soljudi. Tudi besedami lahko »ubijamo«. Jezus še osvetli vprašanje razmerja med spoloma, predvsem glede zvestobe. Ni torej v vprašanju samo tisto zvestoba, ki se vidi ali ki jo kdo živi v dejanju. Človek mora biti zvest najprej v svojem srcu, v svoji nostranjosti, potem ni težko biti zvest v dejanju. Tukaj gre tudi za vrednote. Nekatere so tako velike, ker so večne, da se splača zaradi njih izgubiti vse drugo, se odpovedati vsemu drugemu. V petek, 7.2.2014 so se dekleta »Catholic Girls Club-a« zbrale na rednem mesečnem srečanju. V soboto, 8.2.2014 sta po večerni maši, v počastitev slovenskega kulturnega praznika, nastopila pevka, mezzosopranistka Barbara Jernejčič Fürst , na kitaro pa jo je spremljal Žarko Ignjatović. Izvedla sta naslednje skladbe: D. Jenko - K slovesu in Strunam. P. Šavli - Sijaj, sijaj, sončece; Nocoj pa, oh, nocoj; Slišala sem ptičko pet; Da hora ta Banorina in še nekaj pesmi kot dodatek. Kar precej več se nas je zbralo pri maši in za vse je bilo to lepo doživetje ob dovršenem petju in igranju. V nedeljo, 9.2.2014 je bila sveta maša tudi pri društvu Sava. Po maši in kosilu so otroci tamkajšnje slovenske šole pod vodstvom ga. Magdalene R. pripravili kratek program, nato je ga. Marija Prilesnik izročila priznanja trem članom društva: Pavli Golob, Francu Jurmanu in Jožetu Prilesniku. Kulturni program sta z nastopom obogatila še gosta Barbara J.F. in Zlatko I., s podobnim programom kot prejšnji dan v Hamiltonu. V nedeljo, 9.2.2014 smo imeli sveto mašo s člani društva Triglav v cerkvi St. John the Divine. Sveto mašo je vodil gospod Štefan Krampač. Po maši smo se v atriju cerkve zaustavili v kratkem klepetu, čaju in dobrotah. 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Response: Blessed are those who walk in the law of the Lord! First Reading Ecclesiasticus 15:15-20 Humanity is faced with a choice: life or death. Choose life. Second Reading 1 Corinthians 2:6-10 The wisdom of God is revealed to those who love God and it leads them into glory. Gospel Matthew 5:17-37 The Law and the Prophets come to completion in the person and teaching of Jesus. "If your virtue goes no deeper Illustration Beauty is more than skin-deep. Few would disagree. It is generally recognised that simply being born beautiful or handsome is not enough to make a person attractive. Largely, we inherit our looks from our parents - a pretty face, nice hair, our body shape. But there is also another type of beauty, something called dynamic physical attractiveness. Psychologists have carried out experiments to discover what it is that makes a person beautiful - or, at least, attractive. Over and above physical good looks, they have discovered certain highly significant features that contribute to a person's beauty. These include people's physical grace, their body language, how they walk and talk, their social skills and how good they are at expressing their emotions. All of these elements have been demonstrated to play a decisive part in making a person attractive. It seems that our personality - and how we express our personality -can more than make up for any deficiency in the looks department. And since beauty is in the eye of the beholder, this means that we can learn to make ourselves more attractive to others. Of course there are material ways of improving our perceived beauty - by the way we dress and use make-up, or by becoming physically fit. But psychologists have shown that we can train ourselves to increase our charisma by improving our social skills and our ability to express our positive emotions. So even though physical beauty plays its part, it is our inner beauty that is crucial in making a person attractive - and this is something we can learn. Gospel Teaching In today's Gospel, Jesus criticises those whose "virtue goes no deeper than that of the scribes and Pharisees", that is, those whose faith is only skin-deep. The word "virtue" here has overtones of "justice" and "righteousness" - it refers to something you do, not simply something you believe. So Jesus gives examples of what it means to have virtue, that is, how to put faith into action. It is not just the taking of life that is against God's commandment, but the attitudes underlying murder. To cling to anger and to treat a person as a "fool" and a "renegade" (or outcast) is to deprive that person of the things that are absolutely essential to any human life: forgiveness, understanding and community. Similarly, when it comes to adultery, Jesus criticises the inner ugliness that allows us to treat others as objects which we can discard when we have finished with them. Divorce was solely a male prerogative. A man could divorce his wife for trivial reasons and so remarry - leaving the divorced woman ashamed and destitute. Jesus goes to the inner meaning of the commandment against adultery: it is never right to objectify another person, to treat people as a means to an end. And in his teaching about oaths, Jesus goes beyond the debate about what binds or compels us to tell the truth to say that it is our whole lives, not just our words, that need to be truthful. In order for our "yes" to mean "yes", our words have to be underpinned by the integrity of our lives. Application In our daily lives, our faith - our virtue, justice and righteousness - is to be more than skin-deep, it is to go to the very core of our being. Faith that is authentic is faith that is lived out. And just as it is possible to increase our attractiveness by improving our social skills, so we can learn to be more virtuous, just and righteous, as the first reading tells us: "If you wish, you can keep the commandments." To think that we have only to tick the boxes of God's commandments - avoid killing, adultery, lying, and come to Mass on Sundays - is to treat our faith in a superficial way. Such faith is shallow and cannot save. Christ challenges us to live life at a deeper and more authentic level. To "get into the kingdom of heaven" means allowing an inner beauty to shine through - by our willingness to forgive and to reconcile; by our commitment to justice in our dealings with others, respecting the dignity of every person we meet; and by living lives of integrity, in which we try to express outwardly - in acts of forgiveness, compassion and honesty - the faith that we hold. If our faith is truly rooted in God - the God of mercy, love and truth - then it is God's beauty that will shine through our lives. OBLETNICE POROK - MAŠA V KATEDRALI Vsi, ki letos obhajate okrogle obletnice porok( 25, 40, 50, 60+), se lahko prijavite za mašo s škofom v katedrali, ki bo letos v nedeljo, 25. maja 2014 ob 1:30 popoldne. Sveto mašo bo vodil hamiltonski škof, njegova ekcelenca Douglas Crosby, OMI. V atriju cerkve imate na oglasni deski plakat in tam odtrgate prijavnico, jo izpolnite in pošljete na naslov, ki je na prijavnem listku. Ne čakajte predolgo s prijavo, zadnji rok prijave je 2. maj 2014. POZDRAV od g. Štefana Krampača_ Dragi rojaki Srečno sem prispel v domače kraje. Zelo živo so še pred očmi vsi lepi dogodki in vse tisto, kar sem doživel v času mojega bivanja med vami. Veliko lepih doživetij je bilo. Najprej se iskreno zahvaljujem g. župniku Dragotu, ki me je sprejel in mi nudil gostoljubje. Prav tako hvala vsem vam - z mnogimi od vas sem se osebno srečal in občutil vašo prijaznost, dobroto in gostoljubje, tako da sem se počutil kot doma. Hvala za prisrčen sprejem in vaše darove. Spoznaval sem vaše življenje in delovanje v okviru župnije, raznih skupin in društev. Občudovanja vredno je, da si vsi - vse generacije -prizadevate za zvestobo Bogu, Cerkvi, slovenski skupnosti in slovenski kulturi. Hvala tudi za ta zgled in želim vam vse dobro tudi v prihodnje. g. Štefan Krampač, SDB Obvestila - Announcements ZBOR - pevske vaje Pevske vaje za mešani pevski zbor so v četrtek po večerni maši. Naslednjič zbor poje na prvo postno nedeljo, v nedeljo 9. marca. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI ♦ Nedelja, 16. februar: Sv. Gregorij Veliki -dvorana - General meeting; - Slovenski Park: Winter family Day. ♦ Nedelja, 23. februar: Društvo sv. Jožefa - Občni zbor po slovenski maši. ♦ Nedelja, 23. februar: CWL - Bazaar ♦ Sobota, 1. marec: 6:00 p.m. - Pustovanje; društvo Sava - Spring Banquet. ♦ Sreda, 5. marec: Pepelnica - med sveto mašo bo obred pepelenja. ♦ Nedelja, 9. marec: Triglav - Koline. OBČNI ZBOR DRUŠTVA SV. JOŽEFA V imenu društvenega odbora vas vljudno vabimo na na letni Občni zbor, ki bo v nedeljo 23. februarja po slovenski maši v prostorih Ville Slovenie. Imamo tudi volitve za člane odbora društva. Kdor se želi pridužiti društvu ali predlagati kašnega novega člana, naj pokliče Franka Mramorja na telfon 905- 662-7438. CWL - BAZAAR_ A reminder that our Annual CWL Bazaar will be held on Sunday, February 23, 2014. Bazaar Lunch tickets and reservations can be made before and after all masses or by contacting Theresa Sarjas at: 905-560-1218. Advance Tickets must be paid for at time of reservations in order to reserve your seat at a reduced rate of $12 each for adults. Tick- ets purchased at the door will cost $15/ adult. Lunch for Children 4-10 years is $5, and children under 3 are free. Bazaar Donations: New items for our raffle, penny sale tables and children's center are always graciously accepted. If you have anything that you are able to help out with, items can be dropped off at 7pm weeknight masses in the alter serving area. We will pick them up and organize from there. Or, you can call Heidy Novak at 905689-1367 to make arrangements. We thank everyone in advance for their contributions towards our annual Bazaar. SLOVENSKA ŠOLA_ Slovenska sobotna šola ima sedaj novo učiteljico za verouk in sicer Kristino Hočevar (Kure). Že prejšnjo soboto je začela s poučevanjem. Čestitke, da se tako mlajša generacija vključuje v delo za skupnost. OBČNI ZBOR - GENERAL MEETING Danes, 16. 2. 2014, popoldne ob 3:00 imamo v župnijski dvorani Letni občni zbor - General meeting. Vabljeni vsi, saj bomo skupaj pregledali delovanje naše župnije v zadnjem letu in naredili načrte za naprej. Prav tako bomo izvolili nove člane za župnijski pastoralni svet. •jt svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in lii Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -don bosco Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. OD 16. 02. 2014 DO 23. 02. 2014 svete mase - masses 6. Nedelja med letom Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. 6th Sunday in ff Frank, Joe in Debbie Lehner Marija Kerec Ordinary Time f Florian Miklavčič Žena z družino 16.Februar ff Martin in Katarina Nedelko 11:00 a.m. Hčerka Marija Julijana, mučenka OBČNI ZBOR-GENERAL MEETING 3.00 p.m. V zgornji dvorani Ponedeljek - Monday 17. Februar Aleš, red.ustanovitelj Za zdravje v družini f Marija Molan 7:00 p.m. Margaret Pergar Pavla Kunej Torek - Tuesday 18. Februar Flavijan, škof f RudiHanc 8:00 a.m. Društvo sv. Jožefa Za zdravje Jeleč Semir Sreda - Wednesday f Rozalija Lajnšček, obl. Hčerka Veronika Obal 19.Februar ff Jože in Verona 7:00 p.m. Veronika čurič Bonifacij, škof f Slavko Jeglič Zorka Rev Četrtek Thursday ff Pokojni duhovniki naže župnije 7:00 p.m. Marija Glavač 20.Februar f Walter Fylypiw Mary Fylypiw Leon Sicilski, škof Petek Friday f Frank Gimpelj 7:00 p.m. Toni in Marilyn Letnik 21. Februar f Matija Vlašič Anton in Marija Sverko Irena, devica Sobota Saturday 22.Februar Sedež apostola Petra Po namenu ff Pokojni iz družine Napast f Izidor Zabukovec f Barbara Car f Marija Gjerek 8:00 a.m. n.n. 5:30 p.m. Frančiška Napast Žena Mary z družino Ivka Starešinčić Jože in Marija Magdič 7. Nedelja med letom 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time 23.Februar Polikarp, škof-mučenec Za žive in rajne župljane f Florian Miklavčič ff Verona in Stefan Prša f Izidor Zabukovec CWL - BAZAAR 9:30 a.m. Družina Čule 11:00 a.m. Joe in Kathy Prša žena Mary z družino 12:30 p.m. V zgornji dvorani