USIMI! Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 05/50 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 02. 02. 2014 JEZUSOVO DAROVANJE SVEČNICA PRESENTATION OF THE LORD Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb ŽUPNIK - PASTOR Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail Web page Hall rentals 905-518-6159 Zaupanje v božjo previdnost Današnji dan imenujemo po slovensko svečnica. Zakaj? Po starodavni navadi je srečna mati štirideset dni po otrokovem rojstvu - danes ob krstu - z otrokom v naročju in s svečo v roki šla okrog oltarja, medtem ko jo je duhovnik blagoslovil. To izhaja iz starozaveznega predpisa tretje Mojzesove knjige, po katerem je bila mati štirideset dni po porodu nečista. Tudi pri drugih starih narodih so veljale otročnice za nečiste. Nihče se je ni smel dotakniti, niti mož ne, da ne bi postal nečist. To je bilo izredno bistroumno - z verskimi nagibi utemeljeno - zdravstveno zavarovanje mlade matere -in nekak bolniški dopust. (Prim. 3. Mz 12, 1 -8.) Seveda dandanes dobro vemo, da pravzaprav ni nečista tista mati, ki otroka rodi. Po najnovejših znanstvenih ugotovitvah se z vsakim porodom telo mlade matere le še očisti in vsestransko okrepi. Zato si prikličimo na današnji praznik Jezusovega darovanja v spomin trdno prepričanje naših vernih prednikov, da otrok pri hiši ni nikoli preveč in da je vsak otrok velik božji dar, ki prinaša družini blagoslov; zato je mati, ki pričakuje otroka, »v blagoslovljenem stanju«. Mariji - materi in devici - ni bilo potrebno nikakršno očiščevanje - ne na duši ne na telesu: ker je bila spočeta brez madeža in ker je Jezusa deviško spočela. Zato občudujemo njeno pokorščino svetopisemskemu è i i t è ukazu, naj »bo vsak moški prvorojenec posvečen Gospodu« (2 Mz 13, 1-16). Jezus Kristus je po Simeonovih besedah že od začetka postavljen »v padec in vstajenje mnogih« (Lk 2, 34). V padec tistim, ki ga zavračajo ali preganjajo (Betlehemčani, kralj Herod); v vstajenje pa tistim, ki ga sprejemajo in ljubijo (pastirji, trije modri, Simeon, Ana). Pred Jezusom ne more nihče ostati ravnodušen. Dokončna bo naša odločitev šele ob koncu življenja: kdor bo umiral obžalujoč grehe in v ljubezni do Boga in ljudi, bo prejel večno življenje; kdor bo pa umiral v smrtnem grehu ali v sovraštvu do Boga in ljudi, bo prejel večno pogubljenje. Vsak človek je svoboden, da se odloči tako ali drugače: toda tudi posledice izvirajo iz njegove odločitve! Zato odprimo svoja srca Kristusu! Simeon je z velikim veseljem in hvaležnostjo sprejel v naročje otročička Jezusa. «Otroci so most do nebes» (pregovor). Kdor sprejme otroka, sprejme Jezusa samega. Naj bi vsi starši z enakim veseljem in hvaležnostjo sprejemali otroke iz božjih rok. Vsi mi pa vzgajajmo otroke v resnični ljubezni in zaupanju v dobrega nebeškega Očeta; najprej pa sami dajmo dober zgled. 8. FEBRUAR 2014 PO VEČERNI MAŠI Na slovenski kulturni dan, 8. februarja 2014, po sobotni večerni maši, bosta v naši cerkvi, mezzo-sopranistka BARBARA Jernejčič Fürst in kitarist ŽARKO Ignjatović, nastopila s kratkim kulturnim programom. Vabljeni! Barbara Jernejčič Fürst graduated with honors in choral conducting and performing arts and gained master's degree from the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz. Guitarist Žarko Ignjatović graduated from the Academy of Music in Zagreb (Croatia) under Prof. Darko Petrinjak in 1983 and from the Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Graz (Austria) in the class of Prof. Marga Bäuml-Klasinc in 1987. Adults: $12 in advance prepaid $15 at door Children 4-10 yrs.-$5 Children 3 & under - Free Presentation of the Lord Response: The Lord of host, he is king of glory! First Reading Malachi 3:1-4 The fifth-century BC prophet Malachi foresees a time when the Lord will "enter his Temple". Second Reading Hebrews 2:14-18 The genuine humanity of Jesus is underlined: he became completely like his brothers and sisters, complying with the rituals of his people. Gospel Luke 2:22-40 The story of how Mary and Joseph fulfilled the Law, but also how Jesus made his first appearance in the Temple and was recognised as saviour of all, Jew and Gentile alike. "The Lord you are seeking will suddenly enter his Temple." Illustration The meeting. What picture do those two words conjure up in your mind? Perhaps one of those meetings that drag on and seem to have no intention of ever coming to an end. On the other hand, they may suggest an altogether different kind of get-together, like the gathering of family and friends. Or again they may suggest a reunion: a son, for example, who has spent many years working abroad, at last comes home with his wife and with the children whom the rest of the family have never seen before; it's a meeting that is also the fulfilment of a long-cherished hope. It is this latter kind of occasion that Eastern Christians seem to have in mind when they speak of today's feast simply as "The Meeting". It is the long-awaited, long-desired meeting of the Messiah with his people in the persons of two pious elderly Jews, Simeon and Anna. Gospel Teaching The Holy Spirit had made known to Simeon that he would "set [his] eyes on the Christ". We can imagine the old man tirelessly rehearsing the words of the ancient prophecy of Malachi (we heard them in today's first reading): "The Lord you are seeking will suddenly enter his Temple." But the months and years go by, death is drawing ever nearer - yet still no sign of the Messiah. Then one day among the crowds pouring onto the esplanade of the Temple, he catches sight of a young couple. They seem to radiate peace and happiness; the girl has a baby in her arms, her husband walking beside her carries the Temple offering made by poor people. Simeon moves towards them, on his lips the greeting, "Peace be with you. May the God of Israel bless your house and bless your child." Perhaps he even adds, "May the Lord soon send his Messiah." The couple explain that they have come to "redeem" their little son. The Law's original demand that a first male child was to be consecrated to the Lord had been mitigated to the payment of a small "ransom". For poor people the ransom would be a pair of turtledoves or a couple of young pigeons. "And the name of the child?" Simeon enquires. "Jesus," they say. "Jesus? That means 'God saves'; what a wonderful name. And what is his family?" "He's of the family of David," they answer proudly. With tears of joy the old man takes the child into his arms. "Now, Master," he cries, "you can let your servant go in peace... because my eyes have seen the salvation, which you have prepared for all the nations to see." At last his great hope, and the hope of his people, has been realised; he has met the Messiah and now is ready to meet death. But there is drama as well as overflowing joy in this meeting. Simeon announces that, while some will receive Jesus, others will reject him, and that Mary's own soul will be pierced as with a sword, But for the moment that dark thought can be pushed to the back of the mind, because at this point the elderly Anna appears; she is another of those humble, deeply prayerful souls, known as anawim, who, before the coming of Christ, always remained faithful to the Lord and longed for his coming. She too recognises in Jesus the fulfilment of the ancient promises. For her, the meeting means not that she is ready to die, as it did for Simeon, but rather that she is ready to spread abroad the good news of the Messiah for as long as she lives. Application It's been said that today's Gospel is in its way a reflection of our Christian experience. A Christian is one who has had the privilege of meeting Christ in the sacrament of baptism; who over the course of the years has come to recognise him as the key to life; who has surrendered to his call, has made his values their own; who has tried to live life in his way; who comes to realise that the sword that went through Mary's heart is the testing experienced by all who seek to be the humble servants of the Lord. Very shortly we shall meet Jesus in the Eucharist; and our prayer can be that by that meeting we will be inflamed anew with the desire to become bearers of light to our brothers and sisters, to make our lives, like those of Simeon and Anna, a proclamation of Christ, the light of the world. CANADIAN SLOVENIAN HISTORIAL SOCIETY 10th GENERAL ANNUAL MEETING AT DOM LIPA BOARD ROOM 52 Neilson Drive Torotno We are inviting all members and friends of CSHS to attend the 10th General annual meeting to be held on Saturday February 8th 2014, starting with the registration at 9:30 a.m. The executive members of the Board will present the reports of the activities in the past year. You will have the opportunity to examine the first CSHS Catalogue of the archival material published in 2013 and visit the Archives office. Join us and help us preserve the history of Canadian Slovenians. ALL WELCOME! ♦ ❖ ♦ KANADSKO SLOVENSKO ZGODOVINSKO DRUŠTVO DESETI REDNI LETNI OBČNI ZBOR V DOMU LIPA, BOARD ROOM 52 Neilson Drive Torotno Vabimo vse člane in prijatelje KSZD, da se udeležijo Desetega rednega letnega občnega zbora, ki bo v soboto 8. februarja 2014 v spodnjih prostorih Doma Lipe (Board Room), pričenši z registracijo ob 9:30 zjutraj. Odborniki vam bodo predstavili poročila o delu v preteklem letu. Ob tej priliki si boste lahko ogledali prvi Katalog, ki ga je v preteklem letu izdalo KSZD in obiskali Arhivsko pisarno. Le združeni lahko ohranjamo zgodovino kanadskih Slovencev. VSI DOBRODOŠLI! Obvestila - Announcements ZBOR - PEVSKE VAJE Pevske vaje za mešani pevski zbor so v četrtek po večerni maši. Naslednjič zbor poje na prvo postno nedeljo, v nedeljo 9. marca. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI ♦ Sobota, 8. februar: Po večerni maši kulturni nastop v cerkvi: kitarist Žarko in pevka Barbara ♦ Nedelja, 9. februar: Maša pri društvu Sava in pri društvu Triglav; v Lipa parku pa je »Talent show«. ♦ Nedelja, 16. februar: Sv. Gregorij Veliki -dvorana - General meeting; - Slovenski Park: Winter family Day. ♦ Nedelja, 23. februar: Društvo sv. Jožefa - Občni zbor po slovenski maši. ♦ Nedelja, 23. februar: CWL - Bazaar OBČNI ZBOR DRUŠTVA SV. JOŽEFA V imenu društvenega odbora vas vljudno vabimo na na letni Občni zbor, ki bo v nedeljo 23. februarja po slovenski maši v prostorih Ville Slovenie. Imamo tudi volitve za člane odbora društva. Kdor se želi pridužiti društvu ali predlagati kašnega novega člana, naj pokliče Franka Mramorja na telfon 905- 662-7438. CWL - BAZAAR_ Our Annual CWL Bazaar will be held on Sunday, February 23, 2014. Final "Strudel" orders can be made by calling Vera Gonza at: 905-560-0089. Each order will be at a cost of $15 and pick up arrangements can be made directly with Vera at time of placing your orders. Bazaar Lunch tickets are also ready and reservations can be made before and after all masses or by contacting Theresa Sarjaš at: 905-560-1218. Advance Tickets must be paid for at time of reservations in order to reserve your seat at a reduced rate of $12 each for adults. Tickets purchased at the door will cost $15/adult. Lunch for Children 410 years is $5, and children under 3 are free. KRST - BAPTISM V nedeljo, 26. februarja 2014 je zakrament svetega krsta prejela deklica NINA LAVRIČ, hči očeta Slobodana Lavrič in matere Mary, rojene Petek. Iskrene čestitke staršema ob krstu četrtega otroka. Naj ju spremlja božji blagoslov in varsvo božje matere Marije. CWL MEETING_ Our Next CWL Meeting will be held this coming Wednesday, February 5th at 7:30pm. This is the final meeting before our annual bazaar so we urge all our members to attend this meeting to make certain we cover all organizational details; this will help us ensure another successful Bazaar. As a reminder, we have CWL donation and thank you letters available to be picked up from Pamela at the back foyer where lunch tickets are being sold. PRVI PETEK_ Ta teden je prvi petek. Med dnevom bom obiskoval bolnike, zvečer pa imamo kot navadno, ob šestih sveto spoved, molitev pred Najsvetejšim in ob 7:00 p.m. sveto mašo. VEČNA LUČ_ V mesecu februarju večna luč gori za pokojnega Franka Novaka po namenu žene Romane in družine. BLAGOSLOV SV. BLAŽA_ V ponedeljek, 3. februarja na god sv. Blaža, boste lahko med večerno sveto mašo prejeli blagoslov sv. Blaža. DAROVI_ Manja Erzetič je darovala $50 Slomškovemu oltarnemu društvu za rože. Najlepša hvala za dar. COME CELEBRATE A WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS With His Excellency Bishop Douglas Crosby OMI For couples celebrating an anniversary between January and December, 2014 for 25, 40, 50, 60 or more years. Celebrate your anniversary at Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King Hamilton Sunday, May 25, 2014, 1:30 p.m. Presented by the Family Ministry Office, Diocese of Hamilton Register on-line at OBLETNICE POROK - MAŠA V KATEDRALI Vsi, ki letos obhajate okrogle obletnice porok( 25, 40, 50, 60+), se lahko prijavite za mašo s škofom v katedrali, ki bo letos v nedeljo, 25. maja 2014 ob 1:30 popoldne. Sveto mašo bo vodil hamiltonski škof, njegova ekcelenca Douglas Crosby, OMI. V atriju cerkve imate na oglasni deski plakat in tam odtrgate prijavnico, jo izpolnite in pošljete na naslov, ki je na prijavnem listku. Ne čakajte predolgo s prijavo, zadnji rok prijave je 2. maj 2014. •jt svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in lii Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -don Bosco Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. OD 02. 02. 2014 DO 09. 02. 2014 svete mase - masses Presentation of the Lord Jezusovo darovanje 02.Februar SVEČNICA Za žive in rajne župljane f Stefan Prša Bogu v zahvalo za 60 let zakona f Vinko Marinko 9:30 a.m. Žena in družina Franc in Ana Ferenčak 11:00 a.m. Žena in družina Ponedeljek - Monday 03.Februar Blaž, škof in mučenec ff Blaž, bratje in sestre f Marija Horvat ff Pokojni starši f Malka Spolar 7:00 p.m. Med mašo bo blagoslov sv. Blaža Olga Čulig Matilda Prša Marina Štefanec Marina Štefanec Sreda Po namenu 7:00 p.m. CWL - KŽZ Wednesday f Marija Grebenc Družina Grebenc 05. Februar f Stefka Rihar, obl. John in Ana Božnar Agata, devica-mučenka f Stefka Rihar, obl. Mož Frank z družino Četrtek Thursday f Frank Gimpelj 7:00 p.m. Raphael in Anica Kobetič 06.Februar f RudiHanc Zvonko in Đurđa Bratelić Pavel, Doroteja, muč. Prvi Petek , „ First Friday Za verne duše v vicah 7:00 p.m. Tone in Marija Bukvič ff Franc in Verona Korošec Ignac Korošec z družino °7. FEBRUAR f Rudi Hanc Ignac Korošec z družino Nika, redovnica Sobota Po namenu 8:00 a.m. n.n Saturday ff Pok. Iz družine Repar 5:30 p.m. Frančiška Napast 08. Februar ff Starši Horvat Toni in Marija Franc Hieronim, redovnik f Janez Recek Žena z družino Slovenski kulturni dan f RudiHanc Kristina Mes z družino 5. Nedelja med letom 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time 09.Februar Apolonija, mučenka Za žive in rajne župljane f Stefka Rihar ff Rozina in Alojz Zorko f Frank Novak, obl. ff Pokojni člani društva Sava ff Pokojni člani društva Triglav 9:30 a.m. Tanja Rihar Milan in Sandy Ferletič 11:00 a.m. Žena Romana Novak in otroci 12:00noon Sava-Breslav 4:00 p.m. London-St. John the Divine