Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 10/50 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 09. 03. 2014 1. POSTNA NEDELJA 1st SUNDAY OF LENT Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb ŽUPNIK - PASTOR Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail Web page Hall rentals 905-518-6159 Skušnjava in priložnost za ... S prvo postno nedeljo smo začeli našo pripravo na praznik odrešenja ali veliko noč. Misli odlomkov Sv. pisma so zelo globoke, saj posegajo v največje skrivnosti človeka, zla in osvoboditve od tega zla, odrešenja. Besedila nam bodo pomagala, da se bomo globoko zamislili, podoživljali nekatere stvari iz svojega življenja in živo začutili potrebo po Odrešeniku, kot bolnik zahrepeni po zdravniku in zdravju. V evangeliju vidimo kako se Kristusa iz oči v oči sreča z zlom in Zlim. Srečanje z njim, ki ga doživlja vsakdo izmed nas, mora v Kristusu biti za nas rešitev, kažipot: »Tedaj je Duh odvedel Jezusa v puščavo, da ga je hudič skušal.« Jezus se na to usodno srečanje ni pripravljal s hlepenjem po tem, da bi bil kakor Bog, ampak se ljubeče srečuje z Bogom: »Postil se je štirideset dni in štirideset noči.« Iskal je resnico in polnost za človeka, ki bo od tega živel v vseh življenjskih okoliščinah. »Bil je lačen,« pravi evangelij, in skušnjavec mu je ponudil svojo rešitev: »Reci, naj bodo ti kamni kruh!« Koliko takih čarovnikov, ki so obljubljali obilje, pozna naša človeška zgodovina, a le enega, ki ni lagal in ki je pokazal pravo rešitev: »Naj ne živi človek samo od kruha, ampak od vsake besede, ki izhaja iz božjih ust.» Prav tako ni rešitev za človeka in človeštvo lov na slavo za kakršnokoli ceno: »Ako si božji Sin, vrzi se dol!« Jezus je z besedo in življenjem učil, da je treba živeti vsaj vsakdan z veliko ljubeznijo. To je rešitev. »Ne skušaj Gospoda, svojega Bogal. In končno največja skušnjava - imeti vse, pa čeprav je za to treba prodati svojo čast in svojega Boga: »Vse to ti dam, če padeš predme in me moliš.« A je samo ena pot, ki vodi človeka v pravo svobodo, v odrešenje, v razvoj, ki sega v večnost: »Gospoda, svojega Boga, moli in samo njemu služi!« pustovanje_ Pustovanje was a great success this year. With so many guests joining in this pre-Lenten celebration, we had villains and heroes, witches and cuties, Disney and Movie characters join in the fun which was had by all. Everyone who came out for the evening was certainly entertained by the great costumes, characters and of course the band "Slo-Beat". With approximately 150 guests this year, we are headed in the right direction, and look forward to our next parish venue. To make the evening happen took many volunteers and many hours. On behalf of our Parish Council, we would like to thank the following people for their volunteer hands. Our event was a success because of your help and participation. Hall Set-up: Karl Ferko, Tony Horvat, John Letnik, Nancy Dundek, Heidy Novak and Sidonia Poppa. Printing and flyer/poster distribution: Father Drago, Tony Horvat Kitchen services: Nancy Dundek, Aranka Dundek, Jozica Vegelj Krofi: Jozica Vegelj, Gizela Hauzar, Cecilija Lehner, Emilija Mertuk, Maria Glavač. Bar stocked and manned by: Karl Ferko, Tony Horvat, Milan Ferletič, Lojze Ferenčak. Event EMCEE: Heidy Novak Distribution of Prizes: Leah Skerl, Nadia Miklavčič, Tony Letnik Hall Clean up: Milan Ferletič, Nancy Dundek, Dragica Ferenčak, Steven Horvat, Karl Ferko, Lojze Ferenčak, Heidy Novak, Sidonia Poppa, Bob Poppa, Tony Horvat New Lighting system Installation: Father Drago and Mirko Zorko. We would also like to thank the Band "SLO-Beat" -Frank Letnik, Robert Letnik, Tony Letnik, Joe Horvat, John Horvat with special guest appearances by Erik Marinko, Tom Miklavčič, Father Drago Also, thank you for the prize donations: Slovenia Parishes Credit Union Letošnje pustovanje je bilo precej bolj obiskano kot zadnja leta. Veliko dejavnikov je, ki so prispevali k večji udeležbi: od glasbe, reklam in osebnega povabila. Videli smo tudi več otrok in mlajših. Ansambel SLO-BEAT je dodobra razmigal tako starejšo publiko s slovenskimi narodnozabavnimi melodijami, kot tudi mlajše s sodobnejšo glasbo in zelo pestro zasedbo instrumentov. V soju barvnih luči so tudi maske dobile novo podobo in ob treh žrebanjih so nekateri prejeli nagrade za najboljšo masko, gled na starostno skupino. V kuhinji je bila pripravljna pečenka, klobase in zelje, za najmlajše pa tudi pizza, prav tako je bilo dovolj krofov, saj brez njih ne bi mogli reči, da smo imeli pustovanje. Tudi pri baru pijače ni zmanjkalo. Otroci so imeli dovolj prostora, da so se natekali, nekateri starjši so tudi zaplesali. Vsekakor je bilo zelo zanimvo praznovanje in upamo, da bo drugo leto prav tako pritegnilo mlade in starejše. Še enkrat hvala vsem, ki so sodelovali pri organizaciji in vsem, ki ste prišli na pustovanje. 1st Sunday of Lent Response: Have mercy, O Lord, for we have sinned. First Reading Genesis 2:7-9; 3:1-7 Using imagery, the story is told of man and woman's creation, of temptation and the origins of sin. Second Reading Romans 5:12-19 Paul compares the disobedience of Adam, whose sin brought death, with the obedience of Christ, whose death restored eternal life. Gospel Matthew 4:1-11 Jesus defeats three temptations as he prepares for his mission as Messiah. "Be off, Satan!" Illustration In Shakespeare's play Hamlet, there is a conversation between Ophelia and Hamlet in which she asks if beauty is more powerful than honesty and Hamlet replies that beauty is powerful enough even to transform honesty. One man who went to an extreme in transforming honesty for the sake of beauty is the main character in The Happy Hypocrite, a novel by the English writer and caricaturist Sir Max Beerbohm. First published in 1897, it is the tale of Lord George Hell, a wealthy but dissolute aristocrat in Regency London. Everyone knew how "horrid" he was because he made no secret of it. Indeed, it showed in his face. But everything changed when he met a poor, young, beautiful dancer, Jenny Mere, fell in love and immediately begged her to marry him. To his dismay, she turned him down because she could never marry a man whose face was not "saintly". Rejection confronted him with the superficiality of his life and he resolved to change. He decided that first on the list was a change of face and so he enlisted the services of a mask-maker who affixed a permanent waxen mask of saintly appearance. This did the trick and, though he felt some remorse for deceiving Jenny, it was outweighed by greater remorse for his years of dishonesty. He returned the ancestral estate he had won by cheating at dice to its rightful owner; he sold his valuable property in London and distributed the proceeds among others he had defrauded. He even changed his name from "Hell" to "Heaven". Jenny became his wife and they lived blissfully in a small country cottage. No one knew his true identity - none, that is, except Signora Gambogi, an old flame who had employed spies to keep her informed. When she challenged him with the truth and unmasked him, literally, it was found that his natural face was "as his mask had been. Line for line, feature for feature." The story ends when George and Jenny embrace and the waxen mask melts in the sun, its purpose done. Gospel Teaching In our first reading today, the book of Genesis tells us that "The serpent was the most subtle of all the wild beasts"; the serpent certainly knows how to distort the truth and make temptation irresistibly attractive. The woman and the man fall to the subtlety of the serpent's promise that by eating the forbidden fruit their eyes will be opened and they will be "like gods". They eat it, their eyes are opened but they see, instead, that their innocence has been lost. Sin has entered the world. Compare Eden's paradise with the barren and forbidding wilderness in which the Gospel is enacted. This is the terrain of temptation, where the Hebrew people journeyed for forty years from slavery to liberation, where they were tested and often failed; the place where the devil is at home. Jesus fasts in the wilderness for forty days; he is hungry and the devil's time has come. The master of subtlety, he even puts the Son of God to the test by distorting the truth of Jesus' mission as Messiah. The three temptations wear masks of persuasive reason: by using his miraculous powers Jesus' hunger can be assuaged through turning stones into bread; belief in his mission can be guaranteed by a spectacular sign; and temporal power to achieve that mission can be assured. All are temptations to some form of power. But Jesus tears away the devil's mask. Uncalled-for miracles, sensational signs for self-promotion and worldly power, have no part in the work entrusted to him. Application The story of our salvation takes us from the garden in Eden to the wilderness of the Exodus and from the Lord's temptations to another garden, Gethsemane, where Jesus told his disciples that they should pray not to be put to the test. When the ultimate test of their discipleship came, most of them failed. Was it their prayer or their love that was weak at that moment? The strength of their love was shown above all in those who remained with Jesus at the cross. Awareness and Liabilities to our community. As we embark on the celebrations for the 50th Anniversary and we look to welcome youth and young families to our events we need to ensure that our community is aware of the consequences of underage drinking as well as excessive drinking. As a Church council it is our responsibility to protect our Church as well as our Church community. With this in mind we need to ensure that appropriate precautions are made i.e. signage is visible in both halls and that our young adults are identified. St. Gregory's Church hall has Liquor Liability Coverage. St. Gregory's may be held responsible for patrons where alcohol is served. Forms of liquor liability include and are not limited to: Liability as an occupier - People, companies or any other organization that owns, has possession of or responsibility for premises are responsible for protecting persons on their premises from harm. Liability as a server - Serving people past the point of intoxication. Liability as a parent - Parents who give alcohol to kids under the age of 19 could encounter severe legal consequences such as a $200,000 fine and up to 1 year in jail. Key Point : Anyone involved in the service of alcohol could be held liable for damages or injuries where alcohol is deemed to have been a contributing factor. For additional information please click on the links below: insurance/ risk management/liquor liability.asp Obvestila - Announcements ZBOR - pevske vaje Pevske vaje za mešani pevski zbor so v četrtek po večerni maši. Naslednjič zbor poje na 3. postno nedeljo, v nedeljo 23. marca. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI ♦ Sobota, 15. marec: Bled - Womens Day Banquet. ♦ Sobota, 22. marec: Lipa park - Ambassador's Installation Banquet. ♦ Nedelja, 23. marec: Banket društva sv. Jožefa. ♦ Nedelja, 6. april: Spomladanski banket župnije sv. Gregorija Velikega. DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA - BANKET_ Our annual St. Joseph's Banquet will be held Sunday, March 23rd at 12 Noon. Our program will feature: the "Mladi Glas & Planika Slovenian Dance Group" from Toronto and "Matthew Mramor on accordion" We invite you to join us to celebrate St. Joseph's Day. There will be a draw for door prizes. Tickets are now on sale - Adults - $25., Students -$20 and Children 5-12 at $7. Make your reservations for tickets by contacting Frank Erzar at 905643-0285. POKOJNI_ V Sloveniji je ob požaru v hiši umrla, Marija Zelko, stara 73 let, mati naše faranke Bernardet Milosavljevič. Iskreno sožalje družini, pokojni materi pa večni mir in pokoj. Po krajši bolezni je v sredo, 5. marca 2014, v 77. letu starosti umrla naša faranka SOPHIA (Slavka) VIRANT. Še ne dolgo nazaj smo pokopali njenega 82 | VESTNIK 2014 moža. Za pokojno Sofijo smo v četrtek, 6. marca molili v Markey Dermodi Funeral home, v petek 7. marca ob desetih dopoldne pa je bila v naši cerkvi pogrebna sveta maša in nato pogreb na pokopališču Gate of Heaven. Iskreno sožalje hčerkama Susie in Angie z družinama. Pokojna Sofija pa naj uživa večni mir in pokoj. DAROVI_ Za čiščenje cerkve je darovala $20 Gizella Ray; $50 je darovala Oltarnemu društvu za rože Marija Horvat; Za gradbeni sklad namesto rož na grob pokojne Sophije Virant so darovali: $50 Romana Novak, $60 Marija Novakovich, $50 Lojzka Saje; $100 darujeta Toni in Marija Franc v spomin na pokojne farane. Hvala vsem za vaše darove. A note from The Catholic Cemeteries.. . Families are kindly reminded to remove all wreaths on stands and other winter decorations from their lots by April 1st to facilitate the Spring clean-up. Any wreaths and decorations remaining after April 1st will be removed and discarded. For further information, please do not hesitate to contact the cemetery office at 905-522-7727 or 1 -800-661-5985. Zahvala Kalmana Mes z družino se zahvaljuje vsem, ki ste mu ob izgubi njegove matere izrazili sožalje, družini stali ob strani in se udeležlili svete maše. cwl_ On behalf of our CWL - I would like to again say Thank You to everyone who helped, participated and in any way supported our annual Parish Bazaar. As you all know, our Bazaar efforts goes mainly to help support our parish. This year, we managed to fundraise $9264.69. This was possible because of the hard working hands of our members and the support of all of you. The CWL will be donating back to our church a total of $8500. From this $1344 was raised through the Blue Lottery Tickets and $665.71 was raised by our Penny Sale Table. Again, thank you to everyone for your participation. Our CWL would also like to remind everyone that memberships are now past due. We are reaching out to all of our parish ladies and girls 16 years of age and older to come join the Catholic Women's League. The Bishops of Canada urge women to join this organization so that our voice is strong and can be heard when important issues need numbers to stand by and support the beliefs of our Catholic Church. Membership is only $19 for the year of 2014. We invite you to participate in any capacity that works best for you. We look forward to welcoming you into our CWL organization. volunteers - prostovoljci This is St. Gregory's 50th year and we will be having various special events throughout the year to celebrate this important milestone. There is a lot of behind the scenes work that goes on in our church, in our celebrations and functions and our various organizations. We have a community that we can be very proud of. First and foremost, I'd like to thank Father Drago. Your leadership, commitment, your dedication and passion has made our church community what it is today and we are so grateful to you. Also, we have many, many dedicated people who have taken time to help in various functions of the church, with different celebrations and events and outings. Without you, we would not be able to be as vibrant as we are. Today and from time to time, we will be asking for some help on specific things. When a lot of people are involved in helping, it's a lot more fun and it doesn't take as much time. Today, I am inviting you to help for 1-1/2 to 2 hours a month in the cleaning of the church. Groups of four would be scheduled on a specific day. For example: One person to take care of the altar, one person the benches, one person the back areas and one person to vacuum. No experience is necessary. Individuals, men or women or families - are welcome. Students can accumulate required volunteer hours. We can work with your schedule. Please take this opportunity to give Father Drago and our community a helping hand. There is a volunteer sheet at the back. Your time would be valued and appreciated. Sonya P. •jt svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in lii Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -don bosco Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. OD 09. 03. 2014 DO 16. 03. 2014 svete mase - masses 1. Postna nedelja 1st Sunday of Lent 09. Marec Frančiška Rimska, red. Za žive in rajne župljane ff Franc Pavlin, obl. ff Pokojni iz družine Virag 9:30 a.m. Tomaž Košir z družino 11:00 a.m. Elizabeth Virag z družino Ponedeljek - Monday ff Blaž Culi9 in staršiT . 7:00 O^ in Janet C^ m m « do- ff Katarina in Anton Tonaj Olga in Janet Čulig ff Jožef in Ida Ftičar Jože Ftičar 4°. mučencev f Štefan Gabor, obl. Ivan Antolin z družino Torek - Tuesday Za zdarvje 8:00 a.m. Nina Amar 11. Marec Benedikt, škof f Izidor Fujs Aranka Dundek Sreda - Wednesday f Adam Lehner 7:00 p.m. Cilka Lehner 12. Marec ff Jože in Tomaž Langenfus, obl. Sonja Langenfus Doroteja, muč. Za zdravje Saje Lojzka Četrtek f Frank Gimpelj 7:00 p.m. Toni in Marilyn Letnik Thursday f Štefan Ftičar Mary in Branko 13. Marec ff Jožef in Ida Ftičar Jože Ftičar Kristina, Doroteja, muč. Bogu in Materi Božji v zahvalo Majda Petek f Štefka Rihar John in Ann Božnar Friday f Rozina Špicljin 7:00 p.m. Matila Bratuž 14. Marec ff Marija in Ivanka Fortuna Anina Žižek z družino Matilda, kraljica f Lonard Cirillo Družina Žižek Po namenu 8:00 a.m. ..... .. r Frančiška Napast 5:30 p.m. . „. ... „.„ j „. Jožica Vlašič z družino Sobota f Stane Napast Saturday ff Janko in Tončka Demšar 15. Marec f Florian Miklavčič, obl. Žena Anica Klemen Dvorža, red. f Janez Kosednar Žena in družina f Martin Hozjan Terezija Zadravec 2. Postna nedelja 2nd Sunday of Lent 16. Marec Hilarij, Oglejski, škof Za žive in rajne župljane f Frank Gimpelj, obl. ff Vikca in Janez Zagorc f RudiHanc f Slavko Stern ff Za rajne člane društva Sava 9:30 a.m. Žena z družino Družina Frank Erzar 11:00 a.m. Elizabeth Virag in družina Marija Štern in Sonya Podre. 1:oo p.m. Društvo Sava-Breslav