Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 49/48 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 23. 12. 2012 4. ADVENTNA NEDELJA 4th SUNDAY OF ADVENT Bog se želi roditi v nas Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail Web page Hall rentals 905-518-6159 Četrta adventa nedelja, dan pred svetim večerom, nas še posebej nagovarja pri današnji božji besedi, saj nam spregovori o izpolnjevanju Božje volje. Drugo berilo nas vabi z besedami: »Glej prihajam, da izpolnim tvojo voljo«, evangelij pa blagruje Marijo: »Blagor ji, ki je verovala, da se bo izpolnilo, kar ji je povedal Gospod.« Samo takšna odprtost in pripravljenost je tisto, kar nam bo pomagalo, da se bo v nas zares zgodil božič - Jezosovo rojstvo. Danes smo priče tihemu srečanju dveh žena na domu ene izmed njiju; obe sta v pričakovanju otroka in se medsebojno radostita tega, kar prihaja, obenem pa nas nagovarjata, da je dom tisto mesto, kjer bomo našli tisto, kar išče naše srce. Marija ni hitela samo v fizičnem smislu k svoji sorodnici Elizabeti, ampak tudi duhovno. Ko se bližamo prazniku Kristusovega rojstva, še posebej letos, ko je leto vere, prosimo Gospoda, da bi bili po zgledu Marije tudi sami pripravljeni, da svojo vero živimo v vsakdanjem življenju in jo posredujemo tudi vsem, ki ob nas živijo. Naj bomo vedno in povsod veseli pričevalci vere. MASA IN BOZICNICA pri DRUŠTVU SAVA v KITCHENERJU Pri društvu Sava smo imeli na tretjo advetno nedeljo sveto mašo, pri kateri so sodelovali otroci Slovenske šole. Po maši so imeli še kratko predsta -vitev božične skrivnosti. Po kosilu je otroke obiskal tudi Santa. Glavno težo 1 priprave je nosila družina Razpotnik in ! seveda člani društva Save, še posebej otroci in njihovi starši. Otroci Slovenske šole v Hamiltonu so se v soboto 22.12.2012 zbrali k zaključni sveti maši, okrasili so s svoji-I mi okraski smreko v veži cerkve nato ! pa nadaljevali s prazovanjem. Ob koncu je veliko od otrok sodelovalo pri pripravi za božični večer. Hvala učiteljicam za vse delo pri pripravah. BOŽIČNICA ČLANOV DRUŠTVA SV. JOŽEFA V torek, 18. decembra so se člani društva zbrali v društvenih prostorih. Ob dobri večerji, ki sta jo pripravila Milena in Ivan Krušič, ob organizaciji odbora društva in prijetni glasbi Tonija Jalovca, so imeli člani lep, prijeten družabni večer. Zbrana sredstva ob prodaji srečk za božične zvezde bodo šla letos za Baragov sklad. Hvala predsedniku Jerry-ju in odboru za organizacijo. e-\ Sunday's Readings 4th Sunday of Advent Response: "Restore us, O God; let your face shine that we may be saved." First Reading Micah 5:1-4 The Old Testament prophet foresees the coming of the Messiah. Second Reading Hebrews 10:5-10 God no longer wants the sacrifices of the Old Testament. The loving obedience of Jesus is more powerful than all of them. Gospel_Luke 1:39-45 Mary, carrying Jesus in her womb, goes lovingly to help her pregnant cousin Elizabeth. "You... prepared a body for me. " Illustration Fractals sound like a kind of cream cracker. In fact, they are to do with the breaking down of material objects into their minutest particles. I'm not talking nuclear physics here, I'm just talking about size. If you have the right sort of microscope, you can blow up the simplest of objects to such a size that you can see all its tiniest component parts. And those component parts, too, can be magnified until you see exactly what they are made of. There is no reason why this process should not be repeated, over and over again. It introduces us to a world we never thought existed. Yes, we knew about the solar system, and the galaxies, and the universe, and even the possibility of other universes. We are taught by scientists to think big. But what about thinking small? There is a whole universe of reality at the end of the microscope, too. Gospel Teaching Today we see in the Gospel God's respect and love for what is small. Mary and Elizabeth were two undistinguished women, living in a couple of villages in an unfashionable province of the Roman Empire. In the eyes of their world they counted for nothing. And yet God entered into their lives in a way that would change the history of the world. God is the God of the very small as well as the very large; God of the micro, you might say, just as much as God of the macro. Today we hear a simple story of an act of charity. Mary, at the annunciation, had conceived Jesus in her womb. But the angel who brought her the news of the incarnation also told her that her cousin Elizabeth, who was past the age for childbearing, was miraculously pregnant. In St Luke's Gospel this is presented to us as a proof from God that the coming of Christ is a fact. But Mary understood it as an appeal for help, and gen- erously set out across the hills, on foot, to find her cousin. And God is present at their meeting. Elizabeth's unborn child leaps for joy at the approach of Jesus. Elizabeth's child, of course, would be John the Baptist, a great and rugged saint, full of courage. And Elizabeth herself is inspired to prophesy: "Of all women you are the most blessed, and blessed is the fruit of your womb." Words that the world has repeated a million times, when we say the Hail Mary. The God of the wheeling planets, the stars, the galaxies, is powerfully present in this tiny Palestinian village, when two simple cousins meet with tenderness and affection. Application In our prayer, we have a weakness. We do not pray with trust and confidence because we feel that God is far away, belonging to a long-ago time, and we think that if God is the Creator of the universe, then the divine mind is full of colossal things, cosmic things, and it is absurd to think that God would or could be interested in my toothache, or my exams, or my family. We treat God as a simple human, like an overworked minister in the government, or a general in charge of a lot of troops. Human beings who have to think on a big scale do not have time for small-scale people and events. But this is a total misunderstanding of the nature of God. Being responsible for their creation, God can do fractals as easily as galaxies; little people as easily as big people. The reading from the prophet Micah today gives us the feeling of the misty past, so misty that it is bound to be vague; but out of this mysterious past will come the Lord who is to reign over God's people, who will stand and feed his flock with the power of the Lord - in other words, Jesus. The letter to the Hebrews also gives us Christ coming out of the mists of eternity to take a human body, to become this man, this individual, and sacrifice himself in obedience to his Father. Christmas and Calvary, by the world's standards, are insignificant events. But because God is in them, they become world-shaking and world-changing events. We can approach Christmas this week with renewed trust and confidence. "God of hosts, turn again, we implore, look down from heaven and see. Visit this vine and protect it, the vine your right hand has planted." The second theme of our Year of Faith We began our Year of Faith activities in Hamilton Diocese by reflecting on the articles of the Creed, the expression of THE FAITH WE believe. year of FAITHS! Beginning with Advent and continuing through the Christmas Season and the first part of Ordinary Time, our focus will be on THE FAITH WE LIVE, in other words, how we put our faith into practice. In today's bulletin you will find a flyer outlining the social teachings of the Church along with some reflection questions for your consideration during the coming months. In addition, you are invited to check out the FAITH IN ACTION page on our Diocesan Website to see what others are doing to put their faith into action. Obvestila - Announcements PEVSKI ZBOR_ g) $ V četrtek so redne pevske vaje za mešani zbor. Pripravili se bomo za (jSj/^^A petje na praznik Svete Družine. ^v/l^J BOŽIČNI ČAS_ Jutri bosta dve sveti maši in sicer prva v angleščini ob 6:00 zvečer. Pri maši bodo sodelovali otroci iz naše župnije. Na zapčetku maše pripravljajo kratek program. Za drugo sveto mašo-polnočnico, ki jo bomo začeli ob 10:00 zvečer, bosta mešani in možki zbor Majolka na začetku maše zapela nekaj božičnih pesmi, nato bomo nadaljevali s slovesno sveto mašo. Na Božični dan sta sveti maši ob običajnem nedeljskem urniku. Na Štefanovo bo v cerkvi sveta maša ob 9:30 zjutraj, popoldne ob 4:00 pa bo kot že vrsto let, maša pri društvu Lipa park v St. Catharines. Dobrodošlica in obenem zahvala gospodu Andreju Baligaču, ki je prišel na pomoč za letošnji božični čas. V petek, 28. decembra, se že vrača nazaj na Rakovnik. Naj ga Gospod blagoslavlja pri njegovem duhovniškem delu. Boxing Day Bash F.S. VENEC invites everyone to the annual Boxing Day Bash here at St. Gregory's, on December 26th starting at 7:30pm. Murski Val will be entertaining the crowd. Come celebrate the Christmas cheer. All welcome! F.S. VENEC would like to wish everyone a joyous and happy Christmas. Vesele Bozicne Praznike Vam vsem zelimo folkloristi f.s. VENEC! OGNJIŠČE- NAROČNINA_ Prihaja novo leto in čas, da obnovite naročnino za revijo Ognjišče. Naročnina za leto 2013 je $76. 390 | VESTNIK 2012 SOČA_ F.S. SOČA will be starting practices for children 7 years of age and older in the new year. All children and teens are encouraged to join and become familiar with their Slovenian cultural roots through dance, song and music. For more information, please contact: Dave Antolin: or 905.664.5980. CWL - KŽZ_ The Catholic Women's League would like to wish everyone: Vesele Blagoslovljene Bozicne Praznike in Screno Novo Leto Our January General Meeting will be held Wednesday, Jan 9 immediately following 7 pm mass. We will begin with a brief meeting and then enjoy a social hour. During this social time we hope to share in friendship a little food and drink. Your small contribution of food to share with one another would be greatly appreciated. We need to start our year with a positive note. 2012 was a hard year for our parish and our League. This would be a perfect time for anyone interested in our league to please feel welcomed to attend. Our annual membership fees are due. Members will find a CWL envelope in the front of your 2013 church donation envelope boxes. Please hand them in at your earliest convenience. Fees remain at $19 of which all these monies are divided between National,Provincial and Diocesan councils. SLOVENIA CREDIT|S | Slovenia UNION_Credit Union Želimovam blagoslovljene božične praznike ter srečno novo leto! - Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 50-LETNICA: VERA IN ŠTEFAN GONZA V soboto, 22. decembra 2012 sta Štefan in Vera Gonza praznovala 50-letnico poroke. Ob tem velikem ljubileju jima želimo, da bi še naprej ostala v povezanosti med seboj in s skupnostjo in naj ju spremlja zdravje in božji blagoslov. 25-LET POROKE V sredo 26. decembra Zvonko in Anita VUK praznujeta 25-letnico poroke. Ob tej priložnosti njima želimo vse dobro, veliko božjega blagoslova in sreče v skupnem življenju. DAROVI Od prejšnje nedelje ste darovali: $150 sta darovala za rože Herman in Irma Gomboc; $100 je Janez Lovrenčec daroval za misijone v spomin na pokojnega Franca Virag; $100 daruje Pepca Hapke za gradbeni sklad namesto rož za pokojnega Cirila Strujinca. Za gradbeni sklad darujejo: $100 Ivan in Minka Šemen; $200 Jožef in Emilija Lovrenčec; $200 Štefan in Vera Gonza; $5000 daruje Slomškovo Oltarno društvo. V spomin na +Janeza Hočevarja darujejo za gradbeni sklad: $65 Mešani pevski zbor; $50 darujeta namesto rož Štefan in Vera Gonza; $200 Anton Cesar; $50 Nicole in Emanuel Thtan; $50 Društvo sv. Jožefa in $50 za maše. Steve in Vida Sajder darujeta za gradbeni sklad $100 v spomin na +Štefana Sajder in $100 v spomin na +Steve Booth. V spomin Iskrena hvala vsem, ki ste darovali po različnih namenih. Bog vam povrni. PRIPRAVE NA BOŽIČNI ČAS_ V adventnem času je naša cerkev vsak dan dobivala lepšo podobo. Iskrena zahvala gre Olgi Glavač, ki vedno znovaj v svoji iznajdljivosti najde nove načine, kako praznično okrasiti cerkev. Zahvala tudi gospe Dorothy Ježovnik za smreke in Toniju in Mirku, da sta jih pripeljala in postavila. Jaslice je zopet lepo pripravil Robi Letnik, otroci pa so postavili figure. Lučke okoli cerkve so letos namestili Joe Prša, Mirko Zorko in Lojze Ferenčak. V pripravi programa za božični večer pri angleški maši so sodelovale: Mary Miklavčič, Sonja Podrebarac, učiteljice slovenske šole, Jenny Antolin, John Horvat in seveda otroci, ki nastopajo. Vsem iskrena hvala, pa tudi vsem Vam, ki ste tako ali drugače pomagali pri prpravah. Naj vam Novorojeno Dete z radostjo in veseljem božične noči napolni vaša srca. OD 23. 12. 2012 DO 30. 12. 2012 svete mase - masses za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. 4. ADVENTNA NEDELJA f Toni Letnik Družina Letnik 23. December f Marija Ternar 11.00 a.m. Terezija Zadravec Janez Kancij, duh. f Jože Kociper Marija Hozjan z družino Maša in spoved - London 4:00 p.m. St. John the Divine Parish Ponedeljek - Monday 24. December Adam in Eva Božični večer ff Družina Kološa f Blaž Čulig f Ethel Simončič f Karl Zorčič, obl. 6:00 p.m. Majda in slavko Kološa Majda in Slavko Kološa Mož Ivan Simončič 10:00 p.m. Jožica in Ivan Vegelj z druž. Hči Matilda Torek - Tuesday ff Simončič in Gerič 9:30 a.m. Kathy in Martin Simončič 25. December f Janez Hočevar Kathy in Martin Simončič BOŽIČ f Adalgisa D'Antonio 11:00 a.m. Karl in Joanne Ferko Sreda - Wednesday 26. December Štefan, diakon f Štefan Hozjan ff Katarina in Vincent Antolin f Štefan Prša f Jože Seljak in ff Rajni člani društva Lipa park 9:30 a.m. Družina Hozjan Frida Lušin Slomškovo Oltarno Društvo 4:00 p.m. Francka Seljak z družino Društvo Lipa park Četrtek - Thursday 27. December Janez, apostol f Irma in Ludvik Hull ff Starši Janez in Terezija Prša f Strunovi ff Irma in Ludvik Hull f Stefan Prša 7:00 p.m. Družina Hull Hčerka Marija Vidk Kastelic Gerda Žekš Sestra Marija z družino Petek - Friday 28. December Nedolžni otroci Bogu v zahvalo f Viktorija Sinigoj /Slovenija/ f Irma Hull f Slavko Stern 7:00 p.m. Pavel in Jožica Novak Julija Sagadin z družino Družina Gergyek Družina Gergyek Sobota - Saturday 29. December Tomaž Becket, škof f Ludvik Kastelic f Štefan Vučko ff Stefan in Verona Prša f Matija Vlašič f Blaž Čulig 8:15 a.m. Pavel in Jožica Novak 5:30 p.m. Družina Joe in Kathy Prša Žena in otroci Marija Glavač z družino SVETA DRUŽINA 30. December Vincencija, red. ust. f Za žive in rajne župljane f Ivan Sobočan f Darinka Ferletič 9:30 a.m. Žena Cecilija z družino 11.00 a.m. Milan, Sandy in Mike SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in XlX Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian -11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English KRSTI / BAPTISMS: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971.