Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 46/49 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 17. 11. 2013 33. NEDELJA MED LETOM 33rd SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb ŽUPNIK - PASTOR Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail Web page Hall rentals 905-518-6159 stanovitnost do konca Jeruzalemski tempelj je bil pravo čudo starega sveta. Zgrajen je bil iz velikih kamnitih kvadrov. Pročelje je bilo iz belega marmorja. Na njem so se bleščali darovi, zlasti orjaška zlata vinska trta z grozdi, človeške velikosti. Poklonil jo je Herod Veliki, ki je tempelj tudi popravil in olepšal. Imenoval se je drugi ali Herodov tempelj, za razliko od prvega, ki ga je zgradil kralj Salomon. Zanimivo je, da pri Luku učenci Jezusa opozarjajo na lepoto templja, medtem ko pri Mateju in Marku občudujejo njegovo veličino. Tu je vprašanje premišljeno zastavljeno, da je Jezus nanj lahko navezal sporočilo o razdejanju templja in koncu sveta. Jezusov odgovor je bil za učence pravo presenečanje. Za judovsko uho ni bilo hujšega, kot slišati grožnjo zoper tempelj. Tempelj je bil zanje narodna svetinja in „radost njihovih oči", zato je bilo govorjenje zoper tempelj bogoskrunsko dejanje. Zato učenci niso upali Jezusa med množico pred tempeljskim pročeljem spraševati, kdaj se bo to zgodilo, ampak so ga vprašali, ko so bili z njim sami na Oljski gori. Sprašujejo ga po dveh rečeh: kdaj bo to in kakšna znamenja bodo napovedovala, da se bo to zgodilo. Jezus je odgovoril samo na drugo vprašanje. Razdejanje templja je podoba za konec sveta. Kakor je bila za razdejanje templja kriva judovska trdovratnost, tako bo tudi verska zmeda, zaslepljenost in hudobija napovedovala konec sveta. Porušenje templja in konec sveta sta v medsebojni zvezi. ŠKOFOVO PISMO OB ZAKLJUČKU LETA VERE Dragi bratje in sestre v Kristusu! Leto vere, ki ga je odprl papež Benedikt XVI., 11. oktobra 2012, ob 50. obletnici odprtja II. Vatikanskega koncila, bomo zaključili 24. novembra 2013, na praznik Kristusa Kralja vesoljstva. To leto je bilo leto milosti, imeli smo veliko priložnosti, da smo obnovili in poglobili svojo vero, izkusili ljubeče božje usmiljenje in ponovno odkrili veselje verovanja v Jezusa Kristusa, Njega, ki »živi, ljubi in rešuje«. Nismo pričakovali, da bomo v tem letu vere doživeli zamenjavo papeža. Začelo se je z Benediktovo ponižno in pogumno odpovedjo Petrovemu sedežu; temu je sledila izvolitev novega papeža Frančiška. S celim svetom smo spremljali začetek njegovega pontifikata, kot rimskega škofa in pastirja vesoljne cerkeve. Spremljali smo njegovo učenje in mu pozorno prisluhnili. Prva enciklika, pismo papeža Frančiška z naslovom »LUČ VERE«, je dopolnila že začeto delo njegovega predhodnika. Enciklika je vodilo in spodbuda za vse, ki smo se odločili hoditi za Kristusom po poti vere, tako za posameznika kot tudi za skupnost. Tudi v naši škofiji smo izkušali blagoslove v teku tega leta, za kar se danes Bogu zahvaljujemo. Imenova -nje škofa Daniela Miehm-a za pomožnega škofa v naši škofji, je bil velik dar za nas vse in tudi blagoslov zanj osebno. Prav tako je naslov »BAZILIKA«, ki ga je dobila naša katedrala posvečena Kristusu Kralju, dopolnil hrepenenje, ki ga je imel že škof John McNally, ki je spremljal izgradnjo katedrale v prvih letih 1930, in je tudi milost za vse, ki se v katedrali-baziliki zbiramo k molitvi. Poleg tega so bile v teku tega leta s strani škofijskega pastoralnega centra organizirane mnoge aktivnosti, ki so pripomogle, da se je naša vera utrdila. Te so nam pomagale »ponovno odkriti veselje« vere v Jezusa Kristusa. Mnoge župnije so prav tako nudile svojim župljanom priložnosti za poglobitev in obnovitev vere v Jezusa Kristusa. Med aktivnosti v tem letu lahko štejemo tudi sprejem okoli 200 novih katoličanov v skupnost Cerkve ob prejetju zakramentov krsta, birme in evharistije - zakramentov uvajanja, ki so jih v mnogih naših župnijah prejeli pri Velikonočni vigiliji. Izpoved vere ob prejemu zakramentov je v tem letu obogatila in navdihovala tudi našo vero. Prav tako tudi prejem zakramenta svete birme. Več tisočih mladih katoličanov, ki so pritopili k zakramentu je velik blagoslov, posebej, ker smo v tem letu birmo iz 8. prenesli na 7. razred osnovne šole. Vznemirljivo je bilo slišali izpoved vere mladih, ki so bili vzgojeni v veri po svojih starših. Majhno darilo, ki je bilo na razpolago vsem katoličanom v škofji, ki so v naših župnijah obnovili vero pri velikonočnem obhajanju evharistije, je bilo mišljeno kot zelo preprosto sporočilo, spodbuda, da naša vera v Jezusa Kristusa vsebuje oboje, klic in obljubo. Vera je klic, da bi sledili Jezusu do križa in obljuba večnega življenja po krstni vodi. Vesel sem, ko vidim, da nekateri še vedno nosijo priponko in jo nameravajo ohraniti tudi za čas po uradnem zaključku leta vere. Nekateri so mi zaupali, da jim nošenje priponke občasno daje priložnost, da spregovorijo o letu vere tisim, ki sprašujejo o pomenu priponke. To so torej nove priložnoste za evangelizacijo. Že v prvih mesecih pontifikata nas je papež Frančišek izzval, da bi poglobljeno živeli svojo vero; da je ne bi jemali kot nekaj samoumevnega, ampak, da bi zavestno izbrali življenje po veri, kot nas k temu vabi Kristus sam. V svojih govorih in pismih, sveti oče večkrat govori o svojih osebnih izkustvih vere v katerih se razodevajo » mogočna božja dela«. Pripoveduje, da so bili to tisti odločilni in učinkoviti trenutki v razvoju njegove vere. Podobno so se »velika božja dela« uresničila, ko je Bog izraelsko ljudstvo izpeljal iz egiptovske sužnosti in ga pripeljal v obljubljeno deželo. Enako je božje delo tisto, ki je pripomoglo k rasti prve Cerkve. Mogočno božje delo je prav tako pomembno tudi v življenju vsakega od nas, ko nas je najprej privedel do vere - po krstu - in nam pomagal poglobiti našo odločenost za vero. Lepo zapiše apostol Pavel: »Ne živim več jaz, ampak Kristus živi v meni!« (Gal 2,20) Hvala, da ste vstopili v to leto vere odprtega mišljenja in odprtih src. Pripravljeni ste se bili srečati se z Jezusom Kristusom, izkusiti Njegovo ljubezen, poglobiti svoje poznavanje Njega in ljubezen do Njega! Cerkev, skupnost vere, ki ji pripadamo, je od Kristusa prejela naročilo - veliko naročilo - naj razglaša božjo ljubezen z besedo in dejanji, do skrajnih meja zemlje. Naše pričevanje in naša izpoved bo pomagala drugim, da bodo izkusili Njegovo ljubezen, ki jih bo pritegnila k Njemu, da ga bodo tako tudi oni sami spoznali, začutili Njegovo ljubezen in ga vzljubili. To razmišljanje nas je pripeljalo do naslednjega zaključka glede leta vere: Bolje bomo razumeli, da smo vsi v službi NOVE EVANGELIZACIJE -izpovedovanja naše vere, ki se kaže v tem kaj in kako govorimo in kaj in kako to delamo. Moji dragi prijatelji, leto vere se izteka, a življenje po veri se nadaljuje. Vera je tista, ki se v večini primerov, prenaša iz staršev na otroke, pri tem pa pomagajo stari starši, družina, učitelji v katoliških šolah, voditelji v skupnostih, drugi verujoči in Cerkev nasploh. Papež Frančišek nam govori: »Vsak posamezni kristjan in vsaka skupnost je misijonska do te mere, da prinaša božjo besedo drugim in jo tudi sama živi in pričuje o božji ljubezni do vseh, še posebej tistih, ki so v težavah. Bodite misijonarji božje ljubezni in božje dobrotljivosti! Bodite misijonarji božjega usmiljenja, ki nam vedno odpušča, nas pričakuje in iskreno ljubi« (Papež Frančišek, Vatican, 16. maj 2013). Evangelizacija je prav to: biti tako priča ljubezni, ki jo prejmemo od Gospoda, da se velikodušno darujemo drugim, ves dan in vsak dan. Poleg naše velike zahvale, kar Evharistija v bistvu je, ni drugega bolj zgovornega načina, kako bi se Bogu zahvalili za ta dar, kot da ga z veseljem posredujemo drugim. Hvala duhovnikom, diakonom in laikom, ki so se prizadevali, da so spregovorili o letu vere v svojih župnijah. Prav tako hvala osebju v škofijskih pastoralnih uradih za vse zelo koristne predloge. Imeli smo tako veliko prilik, da smo »ponovno odkrili veselje«, ki ga prinaša vera v Jezusa. Da bi leto vere zaključili s primerno zahvalo Bogu za dela božje milosti, ljubezni in usmiljenja, ki smo smo jih bili vedno deležni, še posebej pa v tem posebnem letu, vas vse povabim, da se naslednjo nedeljo (t.j. 24. novembra, na praznik Kristusa Kralja) udeležite zahvalne svete maše na enem od naslednjih krajev: V baziliki-katedrali Kristusa Kralja v Hamiltonu ob 4:00 popoldne; ali v cerkvi Our Lady Immaculate v Guelphu z začetkom ob 3:00 popoldne ali pa v cerkvi Immaculate Conception, Formosa, z začetkom ob 3:00 popoldne. Ko zaključujemo to »leto vere«, se obračamo na Marijo, našo Gospo oznanjenja, zavetnico naše škofije, s prošnjo, da bi jo posnemali na poti vere tako, da bomo v svojem življenju odprti delovanju Svetega Duha. Skupaj z Njo v molitvi prosimo: »Naj se zgodi po Tvoji Besedi!« Iskreno v Kristusu in Mariji Brezmadežni, r (J^w/U (l^^ij^j^jjJi (MostRev.) Douglas Crosby, OMI \J Hamiltonski škof 13. november 2014 Diocese of Hamilton YEAR OF FAITH Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, The Year of Faith, inaugurated by Pope Benedict ^^TRAm-Ner"?-^ XVI on October 11,2012, the 50th Anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, will close on November 24, 2013, the Solemnity of Christ, King of the Universe. The year has been a time of grace, providing many opportunities for us to renew and deepen our faith, to experience God's loving mercy in our lives, and to "rediscover the joy" of believing in Jesus Christ, the One "who lives and loves and saves." Little did we expect that during the Year of Faith we would also experience the historic transition in Popes, beginning with Pope Benedict's humble and courageous renunciation of the See of Peter, and followed by the stirring election of Pope Francis. With the world we watched his accession as Bishop of Rome and Pastor of the Universal Church and we followed him, listening intently to his teaching. The gift of the first encyclical letter of Pope Francis, an insightful reflection on "The Light of Faith" (Lumen Fidei), completed the work already begun by his predecessor. It is a guide and encouragement for us on our journey of faith as individuals and as a community committed to follow Christ. In our own Diocese, we too have experienced rich blessings during this year for which we give thanks to God. The appointment of Bishop Daniel Miehm to serve as Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese was a gift to us and a blessing in his own life. As well, the designation of "Basilica" bestowed on our beautiful Cathedral of Christ the King fulfilled the original desire of Bishop John McNally who oversaw its construction in the early 1930's, and is a grace to all who worship there. In addition to the many special activities offered by the Diocesan Pastoral Offices throughout the year to foster our faith and to help us "rediscover the joy" of believing, many of our Parishes offered opportunities for parishioners to experience the Lord and renew their commitment to Him. Not least among these activities was the welcoming of about 200 new Catholics into the Church through the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist - the Sacraments of Initiation - celebrated during the Easter Vigil in our parishes. Their Profession of Faith enriched and inspired ours! As well, the Confirmation of thousands of young Catholics in both Grades 7 and 8 was a major blessing, as we moved the age of Confirmation in our Diocese to Grade 7. Again, it was stirring to hear so many young voices profess a faith introduced to them years earlier by their parents. The small gift made available to every Catholic in the Diocese who renewed baptismal promises at Easter celebrations in our parishes was meant to be a simple reminder that our faith in Jesus Christ contains both a call and a promise. It is a call to follow Him to the Cross, and a promise of eternal life through the waters of Baptism. I am delighted to see that some are still wearing the pin and plan to do so beyond the Year of Faith. Several people have told me that it occasioned opportunities to speak about the Year of Faith to those who asked about the pin's meaning and, indeed, to talk about their own faith, in short, to evangelize. In these first months of his pontificate, Pope Francis has challenged us to live our faith with intention, not to take it for granted, rather to choose to live in very practical ways as Christ enjoins us. Through his talks and his writings, the Holy Father occasionally recounts personal life stories that reveal "God's mighty deeds" in his own life. He explains that these are as significant and effective in the development of his faith as were the "mighty deeds" accomplished to free the children of Israel and bring them to the Promised Land, or those that led to the growth of the early Church. They are as significant as the "mighty deeds" that have led each of us to faith and helped to deepen our commitment. As St. Paul writes: "It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me (Gal 2:20)" Thank you for entering into the Year of Faith with open minds and hearts, ready to encounter Jesus Christ, to experience His love, and to deepen your knowledge of and love for Him! This community of faith to which we belong, the Church, has received from Christ a commission -the great commission - to proclaim God's love by word and deed, to the ends of the earth. Our witness, our proclamation, helps others to experience His love, draws them to Him, so they too will know Him, feel His love, and love Him in return. And that brings us to the other purpose for this special year - to help us understand that we are all part of the new evangelization - proclaiming our faith by what we say and how we say it, and by what we do and how we do it. My dear friends, the Year of Faith is coming to an end, but the life journey of faith continues. It is a faith that, for the most part, is passed on from parents to children, and is nurtured by grandparents, family, teachers in our Catholic schools, community leaders, other believers, and by the Church. "Each individual Christian and every community is missionary," Pope Francis teaches, "to the extent that they bring to others and live the Gospel, and testify to God's love for all, especially those experiencing difficulties. Be missionaries of God's love and tenderness! Be missionaries of God's mercy, which always forgives us, always awaits us, and loves us clearly" (Pope Francis, Homily, St. Peter's Square, Vatican City, 16 May 2013). Evangelization is just that, witnessing to the love that one receives from the Lord by offering it generously to others all day, every day. In addition to our great prayer of thanksgiving, the Eucharist, there is no more eloquent way to express our gratitude to God for such a gift than by offering it generously to others. Thank you to the Priests, Deacons and lay pastoral ministers who have been so diligent in promoting the Year of Faith in the parishes and among parishioners! Thank you to the personnel in our Diocesan Pastoral Offices for their many useful suggestions which have provided us with several excellent opportunities to "rediscover the joy" of believing in Him! In order to conclude the Year of Faith with an appropriate expression of gratitude to God for the grace of His love and mercy which we experience at all times, but particularly throughout this special year, I invite you to come to a Mass of Thanksgiving next Sunday, (November 24, the Feast of Christ the King) at one of the following locations: the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King in Hamilton, beginning at 4 p.m.; the Church of Our Lady Immaculate in Guelph, beginning at 3 p.m.; or Immaculate Conception Church, Formosa, beginning at 3 p.m. As we conclude the Year of Faith, we look to Mary, Our Lady of the Annunciation, the Patron of our Diocese, praying that we might follow her example of faith, by remaining open to the working of the Holy Spirit in our lives. With her we pray, "Let it be done to me according to Your Word!" Sincerely in Christ and Mary Immaculate, r C^ (Most Rev.) Douglas Crosby, OMI Bishop of Hamilton masa za pokojne clanice kzz - cwl V sredo, 13. novembra smo se pri večerni maši spomnili vseh pokojnih članic KŽZ. Na začetku maše so članice in sorodniki pokojnih prinesli pred oltar svečke in rdeče vrtnice. Članice so sodelovale tudi pri branju beril in prošenj. Na koncu maše pa so vse povabile še na čaj in slaščice. Mašo je obogatil s svojim petjem angleški zbor. martinovanje 2013 Letošnje praznovanje sv. Martina smo imeli v soboto, 9. novebra, z začetkom ob 7h zvečer. Zbralo se nas je blizu 90, malo manj kot lani. Tudi »pridelovalcev vina« je bilo manj kot prejšnja leta. Se vidi, da mlajša generacija ni več tako zagreta za domačo »pridelavo« vina. Na odru je prepeval in igral Branko Pouh. Kar nekaj plesalcev je zvabil na plesišče, da so se zavrteli ob prijetnih zvokih glasbe. Med sedmo in pol deveto so si lahko kupili večerjo, klasično slovensko jed: tenstan krompir, svinjsko meso in kislo zelje. Vsega je bilo dovolj. Hvala našim gospodinjam( Jožica, Gizela, Cilka in Pamela) za okusno jed. Članice Oltarnega društva so nacvrle tudi precej krofov, tako, da so tudi sladkosnedi lahko potešili svoj lakoto. Ob pol desetih so se za mizo vsedli sodniki, ki so presodili, katero od prinesenih vin je najboljše. Tokratni sodniki so bili: Ivan Krušič, Zora Hull, Jay Cestnik in Robert Poppa. Tony Horvat pa je poskrbel, da je ocenjevanje teklo po pravilih. Trije najboljši lastniki vin so prejeli priznanja in sicer: 1. mesto: SIDONIA DRVARIC (belo vino), 2. mesto: KARL FERKO (rdeče vino), 3. mesto: KAROL FERKO (rdeče vino). Med deseto in enajsto so prodajali srečke za žrebanje, ki je potekalo ob 11h zvečer. Nekaj dobitkov je prispevala SLOVENIA CREDIT UNION, župnija in trgovina Starsky. Prijetno doživetje večera bo vsem ostalo v lepem spominu. Hvala vsem, ki ste se dogodka udeležili. 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Response: The Lord is coming to judge te peoples with equity. First Reading Malachi 3:19-20 The Lord comes in judgement but also with healing. Second Reading 2 Thessalonians 3:7-12 Waiting for Christ's return is no reason to sit in idleness but rather to earn one's own bread. Gospel_Luke 21:5-9 In the face of persecution and hostility Christians are called to bear witness to their faith. "That will be your opportunity to bear witness." Illustration In the face of the Church's call to a new evangelisation, what do you think is the most effective way for Christians to spread their faith among others? Should we use all the techniques of advertising to persuade people that what we believe is worth sharing? Advertising is useful, but the problem is that the world is tired of hearing more and more words which often seem to have nothing behind them. But matching words with actions can be very demanding. When a group of very enthusiastic and wealthy Christian industrialists asked an expert on evangelisation what was the most effective evangelical strategy today, he gave a disconcerting answer. He said that empirical research showed the answer is martyrdom. After a long pause, one of the industrialists finally asked, "Can you tell us what the second most effective strategy might be?" It is not surprising that we look for an easier answer when the first answer may involve dying for our faith. We play down a central teaching of Christianity, which is the need to back up our words with actions - this is what Jesus means when he tells us to take up his cross and follow him. Gospel Teaching Today Jesus is dealing with another central teaching of the Gospel, which always appears in the readings as we come to the end of the liturgical year. It is about the end of the world. The scriptures teach that just as God created the world in the beginning, so God will bring it to its final consummation when Jesus returns in glory. Then there will be born a new heaven and a new earth. The old order will give way to the new, but there will be upheavals and catastrophes before this takes place. This is what people fear; and so they play it down and put it at the back of their minds. But today Jesus predicts that the immense building of the Temple will be destroyed. He does not give a date for this but we know that it was indeed destroyed by the Romans in AD 70. Yet that destruction did not trigger off the events of the end of the world as some feared. Jesus tells us that many other events will have to take place in the course of history before the end. We may find his talk of wars and revolutions, famines and plagues rather difficult, but in fact if we look round our own world such apocalyptic events abound. Jesus tells us not to be frightened by these events but rather to have confidence that in the end God will bring us through them and be victorious. But he also tells his disciples that he and they will have to suffer for their faith. Such persecution will be an opportunity for them to bear witness to their faith. God will give them an eloquent defence. They may be betrayed by their family and some will be put to death. But as he tells them, "Your endurance will win you your lives." Application In the history of the Church, Christians have drawn strength from these words of Jesus. From St Stephen onwards men and women have given the witness of their lives as martyrs. In many countries around the world, especially in parts of Africa, Asia and the Middle East, Christians are not free to worship without harassment. It takes great courage to witness to the faith in such countries. But even in countries where Christianity is not persecuted there are opportunities to give witness when Gospel values are questioned. Let us pray for all those who face persecution, and let us act in such a way that we too are effective witnesses to Christ's Gospel. VABILO NA OBČNI ZBOR Vabimo vas na redni letni občni zbor, ki ga bo imela Hranilnica in Posojilnica "Slovenia" v NEDELJO 24. novembra ob 3:00 popoldne v cerkveni dvorani na 739 Brown's Line, Toronto. Pokažite, da še vedno podpirate svojo slovensko denarno ustanovo in pridite v velikem številu, da se poučite o delovanju ustanove, katere solastniki ste. Po občnem zboru bo sledila okusna večerja z bogatim srečolovom. Koledar za 2014 bo na razpolago. folklorna skupina venec Three years ago an idea was formed to bring together past members of all folklore groups in southern Ontario from Toronto to Niagara. The name VENEC was given to this group of energetic individuals who exemplify that by working together we can unify all our communities towards a common goal - to preserve and cherish our Slovenian roots. Our motto has always been folklore, friends, and fun. This year VENEC is looking to continue this tradition and is inviting all interested new members to join the circle regardless of previous affiliation and talent. Come out and experience what VENEC is about. First practice is Sunday, November 17th at 2:00 pm, at St. Gregory's Hall, Hamilton. For more information, please contact : Dave Antolin: 905-664-5980, or visit us at 'Folklorna skupina VENEC' on soča - Children's folklore group_ Otroška skupina SOCA is having practices EVERY Saturday starting at 12:30 in our church hall. However, next week's practice (November 23rd) will be cancelled and will resume the following week. Never too late to for new members to join! For more information, please contact Dave Antolin, 905.664.5980. Obvestila - Announcements ZBOR - PEVSKE VAJE Ob četrtkih imamo redne pevske vaje za mešani pevski zbor. Zbor naslednjič poje 24. novembra na praznik Kristusa kralja vesoljstva. Catholic Girls Club Toy Drive The Catholic Girls Club will be collecting new toys for Christmas for children in our community who are less fortunate than we are. Please help us spread the spirit of Christmas to these children, one toy at a time. Boxes will be available in the church hallway for you to drop off your toys until December 1st. Your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you, The Catholic Girls Club LITERANI VEČER z Borisom Pahorjem The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in cooperation with the Councillor Joe Mihevc kindly invite you to the literary evening in the honour of the SLOVENIAN AUTHOR BORIS PAHOR on November 21, at 7.00 p. m. at the North York Central Library (5120 Yonge Street) Boris Pahor, who celebrated his 100th birthday last August, is one of Slovenia's most prolific authors. In 2013 he was awarded the European Citizen's prize. Pahor has also been awarded the French Legion of Honour, the Austrian Cross of Honour for Science and Art, Italy's Premio Napoli, Slovenia's Order of Freedom and the Prešeren Award for Cultural Achievements in Slovenia. His biography is a tale of one of the most turbulent centuries in human history. Pahor's literature reflects his life experience and includes a story of his own personal ordeal in the extermination camps of the Third Reich as well as his work in international arena for the rights of minority cultures, particularly their languages. "This is my Life: A Century of Boris Pahor" The literary evening includes a film interview with the author and readings from selected works. The event is organized with the support of The Honorary Consul General of the Republic of Slovenia in Toronto John Doma and the Slovenian Community in Toronto. Slovenian refreshments will be served. DRUŽINSKA PRATIKA_ V zakristiji lahko kupite Mohorjevo DRUŽINSKO PRATIKO. Cena Pratike je 8.00 dolarjev. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI ♦ Nedelja 17. november: Društvo Triglav-London - opoldne bo kosilo, ob 2:00 popoldne maša in tekmovanje v balinanju. ♦ Nedelja 24. november: Kristus kralj - ob 1:oo popoldne maša in kosilo pri društvu Sava-Breslav. - ob 4:00 p.m. bo v naši katedrali-baziliki sveta maša ob slovesnem zaključku LETA VERE - vabljeni! ♦ Ponedeljek, 25. november: Pri večerni maši se bomo spomnili pokojnih članic Oltarnega društva. Vse članice lepo vabljene, da se udeležite svete maše. ♦ Nedelja 1. december: 1. adventna nedelja -Društvo Lipa park ima Miklavževanje. ♦ Nedelja 8. december: Sv. Gregorij Veliki - ob 12:30 kosilo in nato Miklavževanje v župnijski dvorani. posebna nabirka za filipine_ Škof Douglas Crosby, po spodbudi kanadske škofovske konference, vabi vse župnije, da bi organizirale posebno nabirko za pomoč prizadem na Filipinih. Tudi mi bomo organizirali nabirko. Naročili smo posebne kuverte, upam, da kmalu prispejo in jih boste imeli na razpolago za svoj dar. srečanje niagarske koordinacije V nedeljo, 10. novembra smo se v pevski sobi zbrali člani Slovenskega koordinacijskega odbora Niagara. Prebrali smo zapisnik spomladanskega srečanja, na kratko so se predstavili vsi člani, ga. Magda je podala nekaj svojih pogledov na pretekla dogajanja, pregledali smo zadnji Slovenski dan, ki je bil pri društvu Sava-Breslav, nato pa smo še uskladili koledar dogodkov za prihodnje leto. miklavževanje - st. nicholas celebration Slovenska šola in Kulturno društvo Hamilton-Wentworth pri sv. Gregoriju v Hamiltonu vljudno vabita na Miklavževanje v nedeljo 8. decembra, 2013. Po 9:30 maši, od 10:45 do 11:45 bo "slide-show" od letošnje šolske ekskurzije v Slovenijo. Ob 12:00 bo odlično kosilo v cerkveni dvorani, nato pa pride Miklavž s spremstvom. Prosimo, da za rezervacije kosila kličete Sandy Allen čimprej na (905) 548-0889. St. Nicholas will soon bee visiting our parish once again. The Slovenian School invites you to our annual St. Nicholas Celebration on Sunday December 8, 2013. After the 9:30am Mass there will be a a slide-show showing pictures from this year's excursion to Slovenija from 10:45am to 11:45am. A delicious lunch will be served at 12:00 noon, after which St. Nicholas and his angels will come to visit our parish's children. For reservations, please call Sandy Allen at (905) 548-0889. svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in lii Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -don bosco Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. OD 17. 11. 2013 DO 24. 11. 2013 svete mase - masses 33. Nedelja med letom Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. 33rd Sunday in O.T. f Pavla Horvat, obl. Družina Bukvič 17. November ff Ignac in Stanislav Stanko 11:00 a.m. Joe in Olga Hanc Elizabeta Ogrska, red. ff Pokojni iz društva Triglav 2:00 p.m. Triglav - London - dvorana Ponedeljek f Ivan Obal 7:00 p.m. Veronika, Frank in druž. Obal Monday f Frank Gimpelj Monika Barkovič 18. November f Pavla Horvat, obl. Veronika Obal Posv.Baz.Petra in Pavla f Janez Hočevar Ignac Horvat z družino Torek Tuesday 19. November Matilda, redovnica Bogu v zahvalo f Vera Staniša f Janko Demšar 3:00 a.m. Ivan in Jožica Vegelj Družina Klarič Društvo sv. Jožefa (4) Sreda - Wednesday 20. November Edmund, kralj f Frank Gimpelj ff Pokojni iz družine Ritlop ff Pokojni iz družine Kirec f Marija Grebenc 7:00 p.m. Marija Štern Ivan Kirec z družino Ivan Kirec z družino Manja Erzetič Četrtek f Frumen Ernest 7:00 p.m. Karol Ferko Thursday f Janko Demšar Grace Šverko 21. November f Silvija Jereb Družinja Demšar Darovanje Device Mar. f Janez Hočevar John Sobočan z družino Petek f Frank Gimpelj 7:00 p.m. Raphael in Anica Kobetich Friday f Frank Gimpelj Tone in Marija Bukvič 22. November ff Maks in Maximilijan Sagadin Julija Sagadin Cecilija, dev.-mučenka Special intention for Adam n.n. Sobota Saturday 23. November Klemen I., papež-mučen. ff Pokojni duhovniki ff Pokojni iz družine Kološa ff Pokojni starši salezijancev ff Family Simončič f Marija Grebenc 8:00 a.m. Pavel in Jožica Novak 5:30 p.m. Majda in Slavko Kološa SDB Martin in Kathy Simončič Pavla in Franc Pelcar 34. Nedelja med letom 34th Sunday in O.T. 24. November KRISTUS KRALJ Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. f Debie Lehner f Frank Gimpelj 11:00 a.m. ff Za pokojne člane društva 1:00 p.m. Maša v hamiltonski katedrali 4:00 p.m. Cilka Lehner Joe in Betty Miklavčič Pri društvu Sava-Breslav Ob zaključku leta vere