126 Knjižnica, 2016, 60 (4), 125–147 Teja Koler Povh Abstract The development of science is accompanied by the growth of scholarly publications, primarily in the form of articles in peer-reviewed journals. Scientific work is often evaluated through the number of scientific publications in international journals and their citations. This article discusses the impact of open access (OA) on the number of citations for an institution from the field of civil engineering. We analysed articles pub­ lished in 2007 in 14 international journals with an impact factor, which are included in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) subject category “Civil Engineering”. The influence of open access on the number of citations in the period from 2007 until the end of 2012 was analysed. The aim of our research was to determine if open access articles from the field of civil engineering receive more citations than non-open access articles. Based on the value of impact factor and ranking in quartiles, we also looked at the influence of the rank of journals on the number of citations, separately for OA and NONOA arti­ cles, in databases Web of Science (WOS), Scopus and Google Scholar (GS). The results were compared through all of three data bases. In Slovenia the WOS and Scopus are available only for public universities and research institutions through the payment of licences, the GS is available to all. In a study of 2026 articles, we found out that 21 % of them were published as OA arti­ cles. They received 29 % of all citations in the observed period from 2007 until the end of 2012. We can conclude by the significance level 5 % or less that in the databases WOS and Scopus the articles from top ranked journals (first quartile) achieved more cita­ tions than NONOA articles. This argument can be confirmed for some other journals from the second quartile as well, while for the journals ranked into the third quartile it cannot be confirmed. Key words: scholarly publications, civil engineering, citation analysis, open access 1 Uvod Razvoj znanosti spremlja tudi porast znanstvenih objav, predvsem v obliki član­ kov v recenziranih znanstvenih revijah. Swan (2009) ugotavlja, da se na leto ob­ javi okrog milijon znanstvenih člankov v 23.000 znanstvenih revijah, ki so v 90 % elektronsko dostopne. Björk (2011) ugotavlja, da je bilo konec leta 2011 v zbirki recenziranih znanstvenih revij Ulrichs indeksiranih 30.000 revij, obstaja pa še nekaj tisoč revij zunaj anglosaškega jezikovnega področja. V njih je vsako leto objavljenih okrog 1,5 mio. člankov. Znanstvene revije so kot informacijski vir nepogrešljiv del znanstvene infrastruk­ ture in njihovo rangiranje v kvartile glede na dejavnik vpliva je mednarodno uve­ ljavljeno. Število člankov v mednarodno odmevnih revijah z visoko vrednostjo dejavnika vpliva in s tem z uvrstitvijo v ustrezen kvartil je pomemben kazalnik vrednotenja raziskovalnega dela v številnih državah, tudi v Sloveniji. Prav tako