
Knjižnica 50(2006)4, 7-31 8 Original scientific article UDC 025.5:004(497.1)»1974/1981« Abstract The article describes the development and co-ordination of the design and implemen- tation of library automation into the information and documentation activities in former Yugoslavia from 1974 to the middle of 1981. During this period, a state-wide uniform referral system was planned to be created in accordance with the international guide- lines. In agreement with the Yugoslav scientific policy guidelines, the operational in- formation system for the scientific information system should be based on specialized and referral centres, in which the modern computer technology should be implemented. In former Yugoslavia, the self-managing agreement on referral work was adopted, and in many cases, holders of the referral work became national libraries in the re- publics and autonomous provinces, because they collected the creative achievements of the complete nation, and they provided the most favourable conditions for the best exploitation of library collections and other information resources. Closer co-opera- tion between the institutions, which operated in the field of information activities at the state level, also encouraged the unification of standards for a more rational work distribution and provision of exchange and accessibility of work results. An analysis of the situation and a development programme for the scientific information system were to be carried out in former Yugoslavia, however, a complicated system of reach- ing the agreement on the measures to be taken and difficult economic situation of the state did not enable a quick progress in this field. Key words: tax supported libraries, library automation, referral work, Yugoslavia, 1974- 1981 1 Uvod V predhodnem sestavku je bilo nekoliko več pozornosti posvečeno prikazu pro- cesa modernizacije centralnih katalogov in posodobljene obdelave raziskovaln- ih nalog v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici. Med težavami, ki so zavirale hitrejše napredovanje avtomatizacije knjižničarstva, je bil poleg pomanjkanja material- nih in človeških virov omenjen tudi silno zapleten sistem dogovarjanja v družbeni sferi tistega časa. To je veljalo tako za dogovarjanje znotraj tedanje federacije kot tudi za dogovarjanje znotraj republiških in pokrajinskih meja. Obstajalo je neve- rjetno mnogo različnih organov, odborov, komisij in delovnih skupin na zveznem nivoju, ki so svojo preslikavo imele tudi na nivoju republik oz. pokrajin. Poleg tega je obstajala tudi cela vrsta mehanizmov za koordinacijo med posameznimi delovnimi telesi, delovne skupine za eno in isto dejavnost so se ustanavljale pri različnih komisijah, odborih, svetih itd. tako na nivoju federacije kot tudi na nivo- ju posameznih republik in pokrajin. Seveda je vsako od teh »teles« moralo imeti