
Knjižnica 44(2000)1-2 vsaj vzporedno s tiskano verzijo pripravljajo tudi elektronske nacionalne bibliografije. Najpogostejše so na CD-ROM-u, nekaj pa jih je tudi online dostopnih preko interneta. Prav elektronske nacionalne bibliografije bodo lahko s popisom elektronskih publikacij prerasle svojo vlogo kot popis arhiva in postale orodje za direkten dostop do teh virov. Prihodnje elektronske bibliografije bodo morale omogočati za uporabnika preprost in direkten prehod od pregledovanja bibliografskega zapisa do pregledovanja dokumenta samega. Citirani viri 1. Anderson, D. (1977). The role of the national bibliographic centre. Library Trends, 25(3), 645-663. 2. Bell, B. (1987). Progress, problems and prospects in current national bibliographies: implementations of the ICNB recommendations. V 53rdIFLA Council & General Conference (Brighton, 16-21 August 1987). Division of Bibliographic Control, National Bibliographies Seminar. (76-BIBCO-3-E) 3. Bell, B. (1993). Reviewing recommendations from the International Congress on National Bibliographies, Paris 1997. V International Cataloging and Bibliographic Control, Apr. / Jun. 1993, 22(2), 29-33. 4. Bell, B. (1998). An annotated guide to current national bibliographies. Munchen: Saur. 5. Beaudiquez, M. (1992). National bibliography as witness of national memory. IFLA Journal, 18(2), 119-123. 6. Beaudiquez, M. (1998). National bibliographic services in the 21st century: Evolution and Revolution. Pridobljeno 29.10.1998 s svetovnega spleta: http:// www.ifla.org/VI/3/icnbs/beam.htm 7. Bourne, R. (1993). National bibliographies - Do they have a future? Alexandria, 5(2), 99-110. 8. Buckland, M. (1988). Bibliography, library records and the redefinition of the library catalog. Library Resources and Technical Services, 32(4:), 299-311. 9. Conover, H.F. (1955). Current national bibliographies. Washington: Government Printing Office. 10. Davinson, D. (1981). Bibliographic control. 2 nd ed. London: Clive Bingley. 11. Encyclopedia oflibrary and information science, vol 19. (1976). New York: Marcel Dekker. 110