Miha Mali 150 Knjižnica, 2016, 60 (4), 149–175 Izvirnost/uporabnost: Prispevek ponuja pregled osnovnih teoretskih in metodoloških trendov razvoja spremljanja pričakovanj in zadovoljstva uporabnikov knjižničnih storitev. Ključne besede: visokošolske knjižnice, knjižnične storitve, zadovoljstvo uporabnikov, Ka- nov model, LibQUAL+ Abstract Purpose: The aim of this paper is to present the satisfaction and expectations of aca- demic library customers in the recent time of pressing needs to change library poli- cies. The need to make a change is coming from new technologies (digitisation and the use of ICT in modern libraries) and from the market-oriented perspective on the role of libraries. The library management is coping with the challenge how to adequately conceptualise and methodologically operationalise the categories of library users or customers, their satisfaction and expectations, etc. Methodology/approach: The paper tries to give a critical overview and content analyses of the main theoretical concepts and methodologies used in the measurement of cus- tomer satisfaction and expectations. They originate from market and socio-psycholog- ical studies and are accommodated to the requirements of library sciences. Results: Findings based on the meta-analysis of different approaches show that aca- demic and public libraries have changed their attitude towards their users and user services in the last few decades. Increasingly the satisfaction and expectations of cus- tomers are given the greatest priority. Research restrictions: The article gives an overview of various theoretical and methodo- logical concepts and methodologies regarding the measurement of satisfaction and expectations of library customers. The article is not based on the empirical research of the practice in Slovenia, which could (hypothetically) show a certain degree of non- compliance with general trends presented in the article. Originality/Contribution: The paper gives the basic overview of theoretical and meth- odological trends in the study of satisfactions and expectations of modern customers of library services. Keywords: academic libraries, library services, user satisfaction, Kano model, LibQUAL+ 1 Uvod V sodobnih družbah so se pričakovanja uporabnikov glede kvalitetnega opravlja- nja različnih storitev povečala. Od vsakega ponudnika storitev se pričakuje, da bo svoje delo opravil čim bolj kvalitetno, tako da bodo vsi uporabniki zadovoljni. V skupino teh ponudnikov storitev spadajo tudi visokošolske knjižnice. Visoko- šolske knjižnice razpolagajo z eno najbolj dragocenih družbenih dobrin, z veliko množico informacij, ki so potrebne za poučevanje in raziskovanje. Brez možnosti dostopa do teh informacij, ki jih visokošolske knjižnice zbirajo, urejajo, hranijo