Janja Levičar, Marija Petek 156 Knjižnica, 2017, 61 (1–2), 155–189 za delo, zato lahko v prihodnje pričakujemo zapise boljše kakovosti. Vendar je ta odvi- sna predvsem od posodobitve katalogizacijskih pravil. Omejitve raziskave: Vzorec katalogizatorjev je pripravljen ne glede na vrsto knjižnice. Izvirnost/uporabnost raziskave: Celovit metodološki pristop, ki upošteva širši sistemski kontekst, prva raziskava o modulu COBISS3/Katalogizacija s predlogi za njegove na- daljnje izboljšave. Ključne besede: katalogizacija, COBISS, modul za katalogizacijo, katalogizatorji, vredno- tenje Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this research was to evaluate the module COBISS3/Catalogu- ing from cataloguers’ point of view. We wanted to find out whether cataloguers are satisfied with the cataloguing module. Its advantages/disadvantages and impact on quality of bibliographic records were examined. Also cataloguers’ opinions about sys- tem changes and about planned novelties were explored. Methodology/approach: A combination of quantitative and qualitative research method was used. 133 cataloguers were surveyed via an online questionnaire, only cataloguers who possess the cataloguing licence and who have created the highest number of bib- liographic records during the last three years are selected. Afterwards semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 cataloguers. Results: The cataloguers were satisfied with the cataloguing module. A spelling check- er and integrated e-manuals were considered the most important advantages. The in- creased use of a computer mouse was found to be disturbing. Professional training for the COBISS system is estimated rather high, however a need for additional training is observed. Procedures to acquire the cataloguing licence were rated only a little lower. In future we may expect records of higher quality as the module provides good working conditions for cataloguers. The quality of records depends also upon the moderniza- tion of cataloguing rules. Research limitation: A sample of cataloguers is selected irrespective of the library type. Originality/practical implications: A complex methodological approach, taking into ac- count a broader system context was used. It is the first research on the COBISS3/Cata- loguing module including suggestions for further improvements. Key words: cataloguing, COBISS, cataloguing module, cataloguers, evaluation 1 Uvod Razvoj tehnologije je knjižnicam omogočil tesnejše sodelovanje in povezovanje v sisteme za vzajemno katalogizacijo. Glavno načelo vzajemne katalogizacije je, da se dokument obdela samo enkrat in na enem mestu, ti podatki pa so nato