270 Knjižnica, 2019, 63 (1–2), 269–281 Nina Levpušček Melinc   Izvirnost/uporabnost raziskave: Raziskava lahko služi za osnovo (pomoč) drugim knjiž­ nicam pri izvajanju raziskav o zadovoljstvu uporabnikov s knjižničnimi prostori. Upo­ rabnost raziskave pa je tudi v pridobljenih informacijah za nadaljnje spreminjanje in izboljšavo knjižničnih prostorov. Ključne besede: šolske knjižnice, knjižnični prostori, zadovoljstvo uporabnikov Abstract Purpose: The contribution presents the users’ satisfaction regarding organisation and functionality of the library space at the Simon Gregorčič Primary School of Kobarid. The users’ satisfaction is the result of meeting their needs. It is of great importance how the users feel in a space intended for education and relaxed social interaction. Methodology/approach: A quantitative research method was carried out by using a survey questionnaire among 42 randomly selected library users, a representative sam­ ple of the school population. There were four closed-ended questions, four semi open questions and two open-ended questions. Results: The survey serves as a basis for determining the users’ satisfaction regarding aesthetic and functional changes made in the school library space. The author can draw the conclusions that the users are satisfied with some of the changes (setting of the reading corner, painted walls, change of the furniture and circulation desk layout, layout of table chess, four in a row …). From the analysis, it can also be understood which other changes should be made in the future. Research limitation: In order to be able to make a comparison, it would be better to con­ duct the survey analysis before the changes of the library space were made. However, such a study was not carried out. Originality/practical implications: The results can serve as a basis for (assisting) other libraries in carrying out research on users’ satisfaction with library spaces. The re­ search also provides the information about further modifications and improvements of library spaces. Keywords: school libraries, library premises, user satisfaction 1 Uvod Šolska knjižnica je sestavni del celotnega vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela na osnov­ ni šoli. Namenjena je vzgojno-izobraževalnemu procesu, potrebam učencev in delavcev šole. S svojim gradivom in programom dela se enakovredno vključuje v vzgojno-izobraževalni proces šole in nosi pomembno vlogo pri razvijanju bralnih sposobnosti in dvigu bralne kulture. Šolska knjižnica je informacijsko, kultur­ no in družabno središče šole in prav zato je pomembno, kako je knjižnični pro­ stor zasnovan in oblikovan, da uspešno zadovoljuje potrebe uporabnikov. Petra