346 Knjižnica, 2019, 63 (1–2), 345–365 Valentina Podgornik praks in zaznav ter na podlagi izmenjave mnenj z uporabniki, ki obiskujejo prireditve in dogodke knjižnice in so uporabniki njenih storitev. Ključne besede: splošne knjižnice, javni prostor, knjižnice kot tretji prostor, sodobne tehnologije, socialni kapital, družbena vloga Abstract The article is a reflection on the importance of a library as a public space as well as a “third place”. Public libraries are far from being just the institutions that collect, catalogue, store and make available library materials. They are social spaces able to connect people of different believes, cultures and interests. They are a part of public cultural and educational infrastructures at a local level that are available to everybody on equal terms. The importance of library spaces for their users is multi-layered and it depends mostly on their needs and the needs of the local community. Public libraries are institutions of lifelong learning that not only offer basic services but also provide the feeling of homeliness, warmth, well-being, safety and shelter. However, they must be a regular feature in the life of people who are using them. “Third places” are in- formal spaces, which enable people to meet socialize and connect and to make new friendships. Thus, they provide the space for social interactions, and building social capital. A literature review presents and explains the concept of a “third place” that has been emerging for a long time in connection with the development of public libraries, but is difficult to understand – to what purpose it serves or what it actually is. This article determines to what extent the activities of the France Bevk Public Library Nova Gorica meets the definition of the “third place”. It is mostly based upon subjective observation and reflection on the subject, on personal experience and perception. It is also sup- ported by the exchange of opinions with members and visitors attending the events at the France Bevk Public Library and the users of its services. Keywords: public libraries, public space, third place, modern technology, social capi- tal, social role 1 Uvod Splošne knjižnice so javne ustanove, ki pridobivajo, obdelujejo ter hranijo gradi- vo in ga dajejo na voljo uporabnikom. Zapis ne zajema, kaj vse pravzaprav lahko je splošna knjižnica, saj izpušča opis knjižnic z družbenega vidika, ki v lokalno okolje prinašajo veliko več osebnih interakcij. Povezovanje knjižnic z lokalnim okoljem je bistvenega pomena za razvoj knjižnic, saj je razvoj knjižnic povezan s prepoznavanjem potreb lokalne skupnosti in odzivanjem nanje. Vpliva pa tudi na lokalno skupnost, ki to znanje sprejema ter uporablja.