96 M. Ambrožič: Quality and Value of Library Services from a User’s Perspective , 95–125 Library, 59 (2015) 1–2 in študija. Tudi stopnja zadovoljstva s knjižnico in njeno dejavnostjo je pri skoraj vseh elementih ocenjevanja višja, kot je bila ob starejših študijah, še zlasti se je povečala v primeru knjižničnega osebja. Zaradi nezanesljivosti zbranih podatkov ekonomska vrednost knjižnice ni bila ugotovljena. Ključne besede: Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, evalvacija, študij uporabnikov, kakovost, vrednost Abstract The article presents the results of surveys which have been carried out by the National and University Library of Slovenia on a regular basis since 1987, thus gathering data on the general image of the library in the eyes of users, its importance to study and research and on the use of its services and information resources. The library is primarily interested in quality assessment of its services and staff as seen by the library users. Quality assessment from the user's point of view is an integral part of library performance measurement and one of the basic control tools for implementing strategic and annual library plans. The latest user study was carried out in 2013. Data were gathered by a web questionnaire. It contained questions enabling comparison with results of the previous studies, and for the first time, questions about the economic value of the library services were included. Comparing the latest results of the National and University Library user study with the results of previous researches shows that the most frequent reason why respondents visit the library remains the use of its premises for studying and borrowing of printed materials. They rarely search for professional help of the library staff. Their use of electronic information resources and the tools for their detection is still poor. The share of those, who value the library as publicly well-recognized, an open, friendly and trusted institution, has increased in comparison with the results of previous research. The same can be said for those, who highly value the impact of the library on the quality and efficiency of their work and study. The level of those, who are satisfied with the library and its services, was higher than in the previous studies, the level of satisfaction with the library staff has been increased significantly. Due to unreliability of data gathered, the economic value of the library was not determined. Keywords: National and University Library in Ljubljana, library evaluation, user studies, quality assessment, library value 1 Uvod Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica (dalje NUK) opravlja naloge nacionalne knjižnice, univerzitetne knjižnice Univerze v Ljubljani in osrednje državne knjižnice. Odgovorna