kazalo 1.p65

Knjižnica 47(2003)1-2, 7-34 8 ti, da se omogoči, da bi vir, ki je na razpolago na enem mestu, lahko kakovostno upo- rabljale tudi ostale knjižnice. Ključne besede: katalogizacija, bibliografski opis, bibliografski zapisi, kakovost, CO- BISS Original scientific article UDC 025.3/.4:005.92:004.63 Abstract In the Slovenian shared cataloguing system COBISS, uniform processing of library materials is one of the mandatory conditions for a successful functioning of the sys- tem. A uniform way of processing assumes use of the same principles, codes and stand- ards, which concern cataloguing, subject analysis and data structure. The purpose of this article is to determine the elements in the COBISS system, with which the uni- form processing of library materials is ensured; to find out, which elements are still necessary; to estimate the quality of bibliographic records on the example of online serial publications, what are the results of the uniform processing in the COBISS sys- tem, to show possible arrangements for improving the uniform processing of library materials and increasing the quality of bibliographic records. Auditing the quality of bibliographic records for online serial publication, the need to increase their quality has been confirmed. With the intention to improve the activity of national cooperative cataloguing, in accordance with valid international standards and recommendations, all COBISS participants must improve their activities. They are to strive for a forward quality shift and improve the quality of bibliographic records. Collecting, keeping and disseminating of knowledge must not be the only purpose of cooperation in the shared national bibliographic system. Global exchange and the sharing of quality bibliographic records should become a common goal for all the par- ticipating libraries. Key words : cataloguing, bibliographic description, bibliographic records, quality, CO- BISS 1 Uvod Da bi knjižnice zadostile čedalje večjim potrebam uporabnikov in tako opravl- jale razširjene naloge, ne smejo biti več osamljene in samozadostne, temveč se morajo medsebojno povezovati. Povezujejo se v sisteme, v katerih presegajo funkcijo klasičnih izposojevališč in postajajo centri, kjer lahko uporabnik dobi- va različne informacije, ki ga zanimajo, in to ne zgolj iz fonda te knjižnice, tem- več iz celotnega knjižnično informacijskega sistema.