Knjižnica 46(2002)3, 105-117 106 Original scientific article UDC 025.3:094.1(4) Abstract Books and other printed materials dating to the Hand Press period (ca. 1830) in Eu- rope represent a special field of research. Consortium of European Research Librar- ies – CERL was founded in 1992 with an objective to establish a machine-readable database for this material. The goals of the project are twofold: to offer one site access to information about the Hand Press books, including holdings data (providing thus the function of a union catalogue), and enable downloading of records into local cata- logues, reducing processing costs. To organize a union database named Hand Press Book (HPB), detailed arrangements are necessary to harmonize different cataloguing practices and machine-redable formats, establish use of thesaurus files etc., and make the records as useful as possible. Minimal level requirements have been defined and the characteristics of contributed files are described. The user is also provided with information on characteristics of the material from respective library collections, as well as with detailed instructions for successful searching. Besides, CERL systemati- cally collects information on other related projects and institutions, covering the Hand Press period, manuscripts, together with the history of the book, printing and pub- lishing. Cooperation and project coordination of European libraries is one of the main benefits of this project in which the Slovenian National and University Library partic- ipates from the very beginning. Key words : bibliographic databases, hand press books, Europe, Consortium of Euro- pean Research Libraries 1 Uvod Knjige in drugo tiskano gradivo iz obdobja ročnega tiska v Evropi (do ca. 1830) predstavljajo specializirano področje raziskovanja za različne znanstvene disci- pline. Podatki o tem gradivu so seveda že vključeni v klasične ali računalniške kataloge posameznih knjižnic, pa tudi v večje nacionalne in mednarodne bibli- ografske podatkovne zbirke oz. vzajemne kataloge. Vendar so ti podatki razprše- ni, shranjeni skupaj s podatki o drugem gradivu in za poizvedovanje različno dostopni, odvisno od določenega sistema. Določeno število tega gradiva pa v knjižnicah celo sploh še ni obdelano. Na primeru bibliografske podatkovne zbirke za tovrstno gradivo z imenom HPB (Hand Press Book), ki jo gradi Konzorcij ev- ropskih znanstvenih knjižnic (Consortium of European Research Libraries - CERL), so v prispevku prikazani cilji tega projekta in načela, ki so pri tem up- oštevana. Dodano je razmišljanje o prednostih in pomanjkljivostih izbranega načina za dosego tega cilja, posebej tudi s stališča stanja v Sloveniji.