168 Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this research was to examine the number and type of sources cited by featured articles on the Slovenian Wikipedia and to compare a sample of featured articles with a sample of random articles, with the purpose of determining an indicative framework for the quality of both. Methodology: 122 featured Wikipedia articles created in 2009, 2010 and 2011 were analysed, particularly the topic and originality of an article and the number, language and type of sources. A sample of featured articles was compared to a sample of 194 random articles which represent average Wikipedia articles. Results: The results showed that most of the featured articles were adapted from the English Wikipedia, the most common topics being natural science, sports and history. It turned out that the majority of random articles were stubs and articles with a minimal number of references, with military, sports or biographic topic. Based on these results it has been confirmed that de- spite their deficiencies the featured articles represent the highest-quality Wikipedia articles as compared to random articles. Research limitation: The biggest limitation of the research was the very low quality of random articles as they were mostly stubs, so it was hard to even determine sensible parameters upon which they could be analysed. Originality/practical implications: This is the first research of the Slovenian Wikipedia that fo- cuses on citation analysis of featured articles. Results of this research offer valuable information to editors of featured articles on their own work as well as point out certain deficiencies which can be eliminated. Keywords: Slovenian Wikipedia, selected articles, citation analysis, article comprehensiveness 1 Uvod Spletna enciklopedija Wikipedija je kljub pogostim kritikam že nekaj časa eden od zelo priljubljenih ponudnikov informacij, predvsem zaradi svoje odprtosti in preprostega dostopa. Ne le, da deluje po principu prostega dostopa, ampak vsakemu uporabniku ponuja tudi možnost, da prispeva in ureja vnose. Da bi zagotovila čim boljšo kvaliteto informacij, je Wikipedia razvila sistem pravil in smernic. Članki, ki naj bi tem pravilom še posebej zvesto sledili, so izbrani članki, ki predstavljajo najkvalitetnejši del Wikipedije. Uporabnik naj bi se ob branju teh člankov celovito, načeloma točno in hitro poučil o določeni tematiki. Upravičeno se postavlja vprašanje, zakaj sploh raziskovati Wikipedijo. Dejstvo je, da je Wikipedija šesta najbolj obiskana spletna stran na svetu in sedma najbolj obiskana M. Noč, M. Žumer: The Completeness of Articles and Citation Analysis on the Slovenian Wikipedia , 167-186 Library, 56 (2012) 4