Lex localis - Journal of Local Self-Government_11(1)_January

L EX LOCALIS - J OURNAL OF L OCAL S ELF -G OVERNMENT J. Fedran, B.Dobovšek, B. Ažman & M. Bren: Integrity Plan: A Useful Measure for Curbing Corruption at National and Local Level 191 Table 8: Participation findings within the 2 nd circle 2 nd circle (59) = Set of 42 + = Set of 17 Results No. Per. or % No. Per. or % Responsiveness (answer; yes/no) 6 14.28 6 35.29 Unresponsiveness (no answer) 36 85.71 11 64.70 Willingness to cooperate (answer; yes) 4 9.52 2 11.76 Unwillingness to cooperate (answer; no) 2 4.76 4 23.53 Interview (and the questionnaire) 1 2.38 0 0 Only questionnaire 1 2.38 2 5.88 Unusable (eliminated) 2 4.76 0 0 Total by sets 2 4.76 2 11.76 Total 2 nd circle = 4 = 8.26 %