Knjižnica 41 (1997)2/3 Netscape - (OhioLINKl File £dit View Go Bookmarks flptions Sirectorv Window Help Back o O iša VSUi a Forward Home Relo&d SraflF,- Open Piint Find Location: Jhttp7/olc1 . ohiolink.edu/search/a?mocnik What's New? I What's Cool? I Destinations j Net Search | People | Software j ANOTnER SEARCH You searched for the AUTHOR: močnik Found 2 items: Močnik Rastko 1. Ideolog? and Fantasv Rastko Mocmk Močnik. Rastko 1 3 9 ( 1 9 9 3) 2. Ideologv and Fantasy Rastko Mocmk Mocmk, Rastko 1 3 9 ( 1 9 9 3) EKTENDED DISPLAT . E-MAIL ., RESULTS Literatura; 1. Klašnja, Monika; Vida Močnik. "Nabava dokumentov z omejenimi viri." Knjižnica, 37(1993)1/2: 85-100 2. Line, Maurice B. "Chaos, strategy and planning: Can they be reconciled?", objava v kratkem v: Essen Symposium 3. "Zakon o avtorskih in sorodnih pravicah". Uradni list RS 21(1995)21 4. "Uredba o zneskih nadomestil za privatno in drugo lastno reproduciranje". Uradni list RS 33(1997)33 5. http://www.ncl-bnc.ca/i...source-sharing/illl.txt 6. http://www.ariadne.ac.uk. /issuelO/copyright 7. Arkin Elizabeth. "User Initiated Interlibrary Loan". 5 th International Con- ference Interlendingand Document Supply, Resource Sharing Possibilities and Barriers 24 - 29 August 1997 at the Radisson SAS Scandinavia Hotel Aarhus, Denmark Eastvvood Elizabeth J. "Behaviour and Perceptions of the ILL-DD Service Users: High Energy Physicists at CERN - a Čase Study". 5 lh International Conference Interlending and Document Supphj, Resource Sharing Possibilities and Barriers 24 - 29 August 1997 at the Radisson SAS Scandinavia Hotel Aar- hus, Denmark Kohl David, F. "Radical Cooperation and Virtual Reality - Its a Fact in Ohio". 5 ' International Conference Interlending and Document Supphj, Re- source Sharing Possibilities and Barriers 24 - 29 August 1997 at the Radisson SAS Scandinavia Hotel Aarhus, Denmark Lastni zapiski predavanj prof.Martina Žnideršiča 9. 374 io