Review article UDC 028(091)"15/18" Abstract Purpose: The aim of the article is to research reading habits in Slovenia in the period between 16 th and 19 th century and to find similarities with Austria and other European countries of that time. Methodology/approach: For the purpose of the analysis different resources were used - study books, catechisms, prayer books and manuals. We were focused on introductions in which readers are advised how to read, explaining to whom the work is intended and emphasizing the importance of meditation on the texts. Results: Historically the laud reading was prefered, as to continue the folk tradition. However, the 16th century texts were transmitted by women while the folk tradition was narrated by males. In the 18th century the higher level of literacy and greater book production and availability caused that the books were not a privilege of a few. At that time more texts were intended for silent, individual reading. Interestingly, the authors emphasized the importance of meditation on the texts, too. It was also advised when to read - it wasrecommedend to read in leisure time on Sundays, and on holidays. The role of books was also to breakaway with the reality and to forget everyday problems. Due to the overproduction of books in the 17th centrury it was concerned that books are misleading the crowds. The church considered the reading of books as inappropriate, and criticized fiction, novels and adventure stories mostly read by women. Research limitation: The study is based on Slovenian texts only, although the foreign literature, especially in German, was generally available, too. Originality/practical implications: The study is fullfiling the gap in the history of reading in Slovenia. Keywords: reading, history, Slovenian language, 16 lh -19 lh century 1 Uvod Zgodovina knjige, knjižnic, tiska in tudi knjigotrštva je v drugi polovici 20. stoletja postala pomembna smer raziskovanj. Zanimiva je predvsem, ker se s to tematiko ukvarjajo strokovnjaki različnih ved, kadar preučujejo njihove začetke - npr. naravoslovci, teologi, jezikoslovci, bibliotekarji in v manjši meri tudi literarni zgodovinarji. Pri teh raziskavah izhajamo kajpak iz osnovnega predmeta preučevanja - knjige ali pa sklopa le teh - knjižnice, knjigarne. Povsem drugače je, ko začnemo preučevati nek proces, ki za seboj ni pustil materialnih dokazov - branje. A tudi na tem področju smo dobili v zadnjih desetletjih nekaj temeljnih del. Zgodovino branja Alberta Manguela (2007) in razpravo Rogerja Chartierja Pisanje in brisanje: pisna kultura in literatura (od 11. do 18. stoletja) (2008) lahko beremo celo v slovenščini. Naj tema dvema dodam še monografijo Margaret Willes Reading matters: five centuries of discovering books