150 Ključne besede: potrošniki knjig, nakupne navade potrošnikov knjig, nezakonito tržno komuniciranje, prikrito oglaševanje, ukrepi proti prikritemu oglaševanju Abstract: Covert advertising is a form of illegal marketing when a text is published as edito- rial content although it is ordered and paid for by the advertiser. Covert advertising has an increasing influence on book consumption and on book consumers whose choices are often made unconsciously. They are frequently affected by various psy- chological factors such as motives, perceptions, attitudes and personality. The aim of the survey was to find out purchasing habits of book consumers, reasons for buying books and the amount of money they are willing to spend on books. We were inter- ested whether consumers know that covert advertising is illegal and that it influences their behaviour. A web questionnaire accessible for three months was completed by 470 respondents. The results show that most respondents like to purchase books. Most often they buy books that are classified as the light reading (novels, thrillers, etc.). When buying books they usually pay attention to the book genre, its title and author. The survey results also point to the poor understanding of the term “covert advertising”. Thus, they could be an incentive to raise consumers awareness of this form of advertising. More stringent control of media editors and tougher penalties for offenders are suggested as well as a public list of all those who in any way contribute to misleading the public. Keywords: book consumers, purchase behaviour of book consumers, illegal marketing communication, covert advertising, measures against covert advertising 1  Uvod Z oglaševanjem se dandanes srečujemo praktično na vsakem koraku – v trgovinah, v kinematografih, v tiskanih medijih, na televiziji, na javnih prevoznih sredstvih, na sve- tovnem spletu itn. Določeni se na reklamne oglase odzivajo pogosto, spet drugi se nanje ne odzivajo ali pa ne vedo, da lahko oglaševalci izdelkov in storitev s pomočjo oglasa vplivajo na njih tako, da se tega sploh ne zavedajo. Zanimalo nas je, kakšne so nakupne navade potrošnikov na področju prodaje knjig, s kakšnim namenom po- trošniki kupujejo knjige, koliko denarja so pripravljeni odšteti za nakup knjig, katere vrste knjig najpogosteje kupujejo itd. Želeli smo ugotoviti, ali potrošniki vedo, kaj je prikrito oglaševanje, in če vedo, da je nezakonito. Ker na odločitve in nakupno ve- denje potrošnikov knjig vplivajo tudi psihološki dejavniki, kot so motivi, zaznavanje, H. Rojec, A. Blatnik,V. Zabukovec: TheImpactofHiddenAdvertisingonConsumersPurchaseBehaviourofBooks , 149-175 Library, 56 (2012) 1-2