Professional article UDC 82.0-93 Abstract Purpose: The aim of the study is to update the definition of Slovenian children's lite- rature from the perspective of literary criticism, audiences and reception. The paper researches the adult's literature and characters which have become a part of the chil- dren's literature canon. Methodology/approach: The method of textual analysis, the analytical-descriptive research method, and data processing based on the text analysis were used. Results: The survey results in a new definition of the youth literature from the perspec- tive of literary studies, the addressee and the purpose. Research limitation: The study focused on the most representative texts and authors, and international and Slovenian literature, which have become a part of the youth literature canon. Originality/practical implications: The study is based on a diachronic and synchronic analysis of various readings (for adults and children) of literary texts when the text and / characters of inter/national adult's literature canon have become a part of the youth reading. Keywords: children's literature, adult's literature, children's reading, adult's reading, dual audiences 1 Namesto uvoda Anja Štefan: MEDVED Štiri črne mravljice so si želele, da bi srečale medveda. Na planem niso imele sreče, pa so se odločile, da zlezejo v njegov brlog, a notri - »Tu je pa zelo temno,« je rekla prva. »Tu nekdo zelo smrči,« je rekla druga. »Nekam ostro mi diši,« je rekla tretja. »Zrak je res pošteno gost,« je dodala četrta. In so sklenile: če se ob pravem času ustaviš in obrneš, potem je to modrost. »Kako? Ste srečale medveda?« so jih spraševali, ko so se vračale proti domu. »Medveda ne,« so rekle štiri črne mravljice, »srečale smo pamet.« (Štefan, 2007)