Šolska kronika • zbornik • 2 • 2007 312 J. Emeršič, Osebnosti fare svetega Urbana, Volkmerjev zbornik, Slavistično društvo Maribor, Maribor, 1998, str. 136-164. M. G., Stara šola dala je slovo…Nova je že tu, Ob občinskem prazniku v Trnovski vasi, Štajerski te- dnik, 13. avgust 1981, leto 34, številka 31, 3. M. Žnidarič, Okupatorjevo šolstvo na slovenskem Štajerskem (1941-1945), Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, številka 3-4, letnik 76, nova vrsta 41, leto 2005, str. 443-450. Ustni viri Hilda Bedrač, Justina Čeh, Majda Drumlič, Danilo Muršec, Mara Pelcl, Marjan Potrč, Marija Roškar, Drago Skurjeni, Zmago Šalamun, Karel Vurcer. www.trnovska-vas.si/strani/Ljudjenasegakraja/mursec. Summary On the occasion of the 220 th anniversary of education in Trnovska vas Aleš Marđetko The article presents a historical overview of organised education and schooling in the vil- lage of Trnovska vas (Sv. Bolfenk / Slovenske Gorice) and also mentions some milestones of primary schooling in Slovenia, from the introduction of compulsory attendance until the present. The overview covers four historical periods: pre-World War I, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, the Occupation and post-World War II. For each of these information is provided on the number of employees and pupils, discipline, behaviour in school and school food; it also lists the school’s most famous pupils. The article is based on written data about the school, supplemented by tes- timonies of individuals from different generations of pupils. At any time, the school in Trnovska vas has always operated in line with current legislation. It was and still is the main driving force of the cultural, social and educational life in the village. It was a house of learning for many “Bolfenk” generations, who took their first steps into the world of knowledge in order to be- come “important” persons. Today, the school faces a new challenge in the shape of the falling birth rate in the municipality.