Reference: (1) Louis Shores: Com parative librarianship : A theoretical approach. V: U r.M iles M. Jackson, Jr.; Com parative and international lib ra ria n sh ip :essays on themes and problems. West Port: Greenwood Publishing C orporation 1970; 3-24. (2) Op. cit. (ref. 1) (3) N apoleoni C. Ekonomska misao dvadesetog stoljeca. Zagreb: Centar za k u ltu m u djelatnost SSO 1982. (4) G uide to university libraries of W orking C om m unity A lps-A dria. Ed. by Srečko Jelušič in coll. w ith Bruno H artm an, Gianna R. De Franceschi et all. Rijeka: U niversity of Rijeka, U niversity L ibrary 1988