
Knjižnica 54(2010)4, 63–82 64 Original scientific article UDC 025.4:82:004.738.5 Abstract Subject description of fiction in the Slovenian Cooperative On-line Bibliographic Data- base (COBIB) is still inadequate. Participation in COBIB is granted to librarians who have successfully passed the exam. As a consequence, the number of contributing librarians is limited. However, all Slovenian librarians can collaborate in the Slove- nian Wikipedia. Slovenian and foreign library science researchers have proposed the structure of subject description of fiction. An analysis of articles describing nine works of fiction in five wikipedias (English, French, Spanish, Croatian and Slovenian) has shown new characteristics. Drawing on these findings, a suggestion of an optimal struc- ture is made. An article describing a work of fiction should begin with a general intro- ductory statement comprising the name of the author, his/her nationality and genre. Translators and original title should be written if a translation is presented. Illustra- tors and other contributors, the background and other specific information on the work should be added if relevant. The main body of the text should be structured in the following chapters: 1) contents, 2) collection, 3) reviews and awards, 4) editions and translations, 5) adaptations, 6) see also, 7) links and 8) sources. An “infobox: book” with Slovenian adaptation and relevant categories should be inserted. Copying these Wikipedia articles into the library catalogue would enhance subject description and provide better subject access to fiction. Key words: fiction, subject description, Wikipedia 1 Uvod Ena najtežjih bibliotekarjevih nalog je vsebinski opis književnih del. To je bil zelo dolgo zanemarjeni del vsebinske obdelave v knjižnicah. Tako v ameriških deželah kot v Sloveniji in drugod se je vsebinski opis književnosti omejeval na klasifikacijsko oznako. Bibliotekarji že nekaj časa preučujejo, kako književna dela opisati, da bodo uporabniki do njih lažje dostopali ter o delu dobili dovolj, a ne preveč informacij. Vsebinski opis književnih del je težavna naloga tudi zato, ker si pri vsebinski analizi ne moremo pomagati s tehnikami preletavanja in branja posameznih delov besedila, kot to lahko naredimo pri strokovnih delih. Struktura strokovnih del, ki izhaja iz pravil strokovnega in znanstvenega pisanja, nam zagotavlja, da bomo zanesljivo ugotovili najpomembnejšo vsebino, četudi ne bomo prebrali vsega besedila. Leposlovna dela niso strukturirana na enak standarden način z uvodom, metodo, rezultatom in zaključkom. Čeprav imajo nekatera prikrito strukturo v obliki uvoda, zapleta in razpleta, je struktura običajno pomemben del umetniške